Friday, January 01, 2016

the New Year

I have no big epiphanies for 2016. I am making assumptions it will be better than the last 365 - if for nothing else we have an extra day to work with this upcoming year.

Ok - I take it back. That means 366 days to deal with the Donald....with the election.....with the misogyny that will come to replace the racism for the White House....because as much as I like Bernie, people still don't want Jew in the Oval Office. Sad, isn't it?

Can you imagine Trumps comments about Sanders if Bernie were the nominee? At least those pesky Hitler comments would finally be right on the nose.

You also - yet again - won't find any resolutions here. Why set myself up for failure? I suppose I have to reassess the movie goal for 2016.  I don't think it will be to match or surpass the 2015 actual number - something that stretches that goal, but not

Like I did last few years, for the blog we have a few pieces of info you might (or might not) find interesting - 2015 specific *:
  • Number of posts: 397. 366+31 for the Pic a Day in May. 
  • Number of unique page views: 135,221 down a whopping 32,2% from 2014.
  • Month w most page views: January 2015 w 20,921. 
  • Number of comments:1,656 (an inverse whopping increase of 18.2%) ( comments always appreciated)
  • Top post for 2014: Treason. After that the next four top posts were 
  • My top post of all times is still a 2010 post on Camel Toe which now has almost 131,248 (!!!) views. That is like 27,200 more hits since last year - which is half as less than the year before. (search terms: camel toe, cameltoe, yoga pants camel toe, girls in tight pants......yes, how well they know me)
  • Top Five Referring Sources (in order that is non-search engine related) and they are somewhat different - by user and by order:  I Should be LaughingDoing Time in Shaker HeightsCloset Professor, BosGuy and Sean at Just a Jeep Guy - which is pretty good since Sean seems to have dropped off the blogging world and possibly the Earth itself. Congrats to all. 
  • Viewing Audience Top Five Countries (in order): U.S., Germany, China France and the Ukraine, Russia dropped out to be replace by China. Take that Putin!
*I'm still not 100% convinced that Goooooogle Analytics are accurate.

I like new beginnings......a new year, a new job....well....that's about it in the 'new' department. As for old - I still have the same friends (mostly), the same husband, the same two kids. Not that any of them are old.....friends, husbands or kids....just that they are all my long-term stability.

I hope you all enjoyed the holiday and have a great 2016!

Song by: Death Cab for Cutie


anne marie in philly said...

HNY 2016 to all at your house!

wcs said...

Best of new years to the Blobby/710 household!

Fearsome Beard said...

It's a beautiful first day here. Still dark and 38 degrees out....yes 38 degrees is San Diego, we-are-freezing.
Crisp n cool just like I like some of my men. At 18 months of blogging my numbers pale in comparison. Interesting to see what numbers can be. Maybe I should write about camel toe.

Travel said...

Happy New Year! Numbers can be all about the headline, my top draw was titled "Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center".

Bob said...

HNY Blobby, to you and 71- and Petey and Sophie!

Ur-spo said...

I hope 2016 is a marvelous year for both of you and the pets.
I enjoyed reading your 'stats' these things are always of interest.

Mark in DE said...

Wishing you, 710, Petey and Sophie a year of health, happiness and success. In that order. ;-)