Wednesday, June 30, 2021


I thought I'd wait till the last day of Pride month to know.......Pride.  

And why not do it in a way that makes us feel bad about ourselves, our lives and our choices? 

I hope women know that it's just Barbie and the likes that provide unrealistic body issues. 

Gay men and gay advertising are all about zero percent body fat and 8-packs (because 6 just isn't enough). The only thing that takes more work than looking like is snagging a guy (or snogging!) that looks like that. 

I mean if he begged asked, I probably wouldn't say 'no'. 


I think most Pride events were cancelled or scaled way back this year - like last. I don't think Cleveburgh had anything, at least that.I heard about, but I'm hardly the one in the know. 

I hope everyone had a something of which to be Proud. I have not. At least knowingly. Or on purpose. Or that I can remember.'s been that kind of month. 

Song by: Robert Palmer

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Record of the Month

I figured I'd do a monthly 'what I'm listening to' kind of thing. This could be viewed as a lame placeholder kind of post. And probably it is. But it's my blog! So there!  

Crowded House - and actually, Neil Finn - ranks up there as some of my favourite artists. Their first four albums as a band (especially Woodface and Together Alone) are just some great works of art. 

Since drummer Paul Hester's suicide, the band has struggled with it's identity - members coming and going, and none of them memorable. CH went from being a band to Neil Finn's back-up band in a way.  I loved the disk Time on Earth, but have struggled to sit through 2010's Intriguer

They are now back with a different band, and a new disk. 

Crowded House now has Finn's two grown sons, Liam and Elroy and Mitchell Froom who produced the band's first three disks. As always, Nick Seymour is the other original member, remains. 

Dreamers are Waiting (horrible font on that cover, no?) is fair to middling. 

I've accepted long ago nothing is going to be as good as Together Alone. And it's better than Intriguer. But as of now, it's not better than Time on Earth

There are just no WOW factors that Finn always slips in his songs. Some of Finn's writing subversive the way the showing of his talent just sneaks in - it is usually not overt, though there were moments of stopping anything I was doing to listen. 

They might come closest in the opening track "Bad Times Good", which oddly is (mostly) a band composition. Though for the six songs Finn wrote by himself, "Show Me the Way", "To the Island" (a very strong track with some non-traditional backing vocals - with a little Beach Boys vibe) and "Real Live Woman", shine over the material - though the song he wrong with brother Tim (always a welcome addition), "Too Good For This World" is different and good. A shame his brother didn't sing on it - as their disks together are great. 

Liam Finn's solo writing credit, "Goodnight Everyone" shows his writing talents don't fall far from his father's apple tree........or some mixed metaphor like that. 

Dreamers are Waiting is a nice effort. It's not Time on Earth, and it's not as strong as Finn's last solo disk (which I came to adore!). I think Hester is missed more than I anticipated. I don't think the nepotism of his sons playing hampers this - they are clearly talented musicians. 

I hope like some of later Crowded House and Finn disks this grows on me more. It has the potential, but a month in - it's just not there.  Yet. 

Monday, June 28, 2021

My Music Monday

I'm considering the My Music Monday approach as picking one of the previous week's post titles and using that as the selection. 

It's really just a thought - and a little limiting when it comes to new music etc.  Maybe on those weeks when I truly don't have a song selected (like today!) I can use that method rather than the iPod Shuffle shuffle. 

And actually, even today is a variation of my thought on song selection. 

With yesterday's post, I used "Run Baby Run" by Garbage, but any other number of artists have a song with the same title.  Sheryl Crow and Southern Culture on the Skids both came immediately to mind when I opted to use the title. 

For whatever reason, I selected Garbage as the artist. 

Today, I'm using the title "Run Baby Run" but with Southern Culture on the Skids. It's actually a new song, though the band has been around forever!!!   Ok, since the early 80s.

We (my closest friends) have had a misnomer about their album Liquored Up; Lacquered Down.  Somehow it became - in our heads - Liquor in the Front; Gamblin' Out Back.  Think about it. Think about it.......

Anyway, this is a fun song. It's the best way to describe it. 

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Run Baby Run

A.  I didn't know the actively gay football football player who happens to be / was a republican.  Had I known, I would have at least included that fact with a disclaimer.  Hell, I might not even have posted it at all.

B. I am as guilty as anyone about not knowing the above story and facts. Had I known, I'd have posted about Sha'Carri Richardson instead of the football guy - who is probably no longer a tight end..................if you know what I mean. Perhaps now he is a wide receiver................if you know what I mean. 

Of course there are a number of reasons the A story got the attention and not the B. 

1.  Well............track isn't football.  Let's be honest, track & field doesn't really have the caché or dollars to control the media feed. 

2. Sha'Carri is a woman. 

3. Sha'Carri is black. 

4. Sha'Carri is gay. 

5. Sha'Carri is a black, gay woman. 

It could be any combination of 2-4, but let's be frank: it's #5. 

Unless you are number one in your sport (Simone Biles or Venus, not you Serena) or discuss mental health issues (Naomi Osaka) you basically do not get 'air time'. No doubt worse if you're gay. 

So even in the gay sports world - it still is the white male who rules the roost. And that is a fucking shame. 

Don't get me wrong - even I didn't know this or see it, so I am guilty of this too. It's time to be better. 

Song by: Garbage

Saturday, June 26, 2021


We had a fun week and a few outings with the dog. The cat stayed at home. Someone has to be the responsible one. 

Our non-water water dog. 
He does love a lake or stream. 

Our new lighter floors make her so much more pretty. 

We got to see Bailey - oh, and my sister - again this last weekend. 
Those ears. 

Uber Black.
I don't call him Dr. Tongue for nothing. 

See what I mean? 

Laziest roommates ever. 

Bailey loves this toy and is NON stop with it. 
....and once again, my hand got in the way of the play and I took a razor sharp tooth to a thumb. 

Paws of Love.  
Shep jumped on me on our walk after seeing Bailey. That is one big ass paw print. 

Song by: Love and Rockets

Friday, June 25, 2021


This is one of the better stories I've heard in a while - and g-d help me, I hope it's true. 

The former head of the NRA - which I swear in my extended lifetime has always been Wayne LaPierre - David Keene spoke at "a graduation" (oh yes, quotes) for 3,044 students. 

Well, Keene did, as did John Lott, a guns right activist. 

The pair were told it was a dry run......a practice session for James Madison Academy. 

And 3,044 empty chairs represented the 3,044 students who would have graduated high school this year, had it not been for their deaths due to gun violence. 

It seems that neither men believe in background checks - for gun ownership or checking out where they're giving a speech. Had they, one of them might have stumbled upon the fact that James Madison Academy does indeed not exist. 

Allegedly, their speeches were pro-gun, and even mentioned that Madison was a proposed the 2nd Keene told the empty crowd that “many” of them would “be among those who stand up and prevent” changes to laws aimed at addressing gun violence in the country. 

Oh, sweet sweet delicious irony. 

Song by: Sonic Youth

Thursday, June 24, 2021


It's been a little bit since I've got nothing, but here goes........

......I got nothing. 

Muses have abandoned me. As has time. And interest. 

I do not care enough about Brittney Spears or Warren Buffet to write about either of them. When they are the headlines, you know it's a slow news day. 

Perhaps something will pique my interest tomorrow. 

Perhaps not.  

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Shake it Out

I'm not saying the Cleveland Browns turned Carl Nassib gay - but I'm not not saying it. 

Sure sure - he didn't come out until he was an Oakland Vegas Raider, but you know Cleveburgh had to play a role in it.  It gets cold here - you gotta cuddle with someone. 

But yay Carl - the first openly gay active member of the NFL. 

For those keeping score - that is one homo in the NFL's 101 year history. 

Of course, there have been others. Statistically there has had to have been. I'm sure there were suspicions. Or the folks we had hopes were..........

That's right Tom, I'm talkin' 'bout you. 

.....and you too Mike Vrabel

I'll be curious to see what the true reaction is.  Not the Pride Month reaction. The September, start of the season, reaction. Not the NFL/Raiders press release version, but the rubber hitting the road rendition. 

The NFL hasn't been great about dealing with domestic abuse, sex trafficking (yes, YOU Robert Kraft!), dog fighting, murder - or {gasp} racism.  Homophobia should be on their big list of oversights too, no? 

But good for Carl to pave the way. Maybe others will do the same.............Tim Tebow. 

......and I think Carl and everyone can be thankful he didn't play for Green Bay. 

Song by: Florence + the Machine

Monday, June 21, 2021

My Music Monday

I think it's safe to say many people here were of the era that had experienced John Stewart's 1979 hit, "Gold" which featured Stevie Nicks on background vocals. 

It's an ok song for sure. Not only were there way better songs on Stewart's Bombs Away Dream Babies album, there was a better one featuring Nicks. 

"Midnight Wind" wasn't released as a single - as far as I know - and if it were, it wasn't a hit. I'm not saying it should have been a hit, but to me, it was much more interesting than the radio-friendly, "Gold". 

Not only was Stewart's part better than some of his other songs, Nicks actually shines. While I'm sure there was some direction of singing background / harmony on the song, I have to believe closer to the end she just ran with it.

I also believe it is songs like this that would eventually fry her vocal cords. 

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Father Figure

I should be writing about Juneteenth,'s a joke.  Pappy Joe and Congress threw a distracting bone to a population who needs so much more than a holiday. And if there were to be a national holiday, make it Election Day.  NOW let that underserved population have the ability to truly go out and vote.

....but #moscowmitch is never allowing that. Pelosi is too weak to push that agenda forward, let alone passing it.  

So I guess I DID write about it after all. 

My intention was to write Father's Day, since it is their day. 

Me? I've never wanted to have kids myself.  EVER.  Gay or not. 

Honestly, I don't know how much harder it has to be for gay parents. And while I love they're having kids and the kids have homes (for the adopted and foster ones).  Oh and a big FUCK YOU to Catholic Charities and SCOTUS).  

Seriously, maybe they should be punishing the folks who abuse and abandon the kids who end up in the system.  Oh wait - the Catholic church does both those things - the abusing and abandoning part, not the punishing part!  Certainly not the "helping" part either. 

I also have zero idea of how the kids with two same-sex parents (or single gay parents) are treated in school and the community. While I'd like to think people are more enlightened these days, I also know that people are also a lot more plagued with anger and they don't hide it and actually act on it. 

That all said, the NYT had a pictorial article on Gay Dads.  A Family Like Ours: Portraits of Gay Fatherhood.  It's a nice one, but not always perfect. And they writing are blurbs at best, which might give you into a glimpse of how they became fathers. It says little about the kids, but it's not Children's Day, so I guess it stands to reason. 

There is a slightly creepy pic of an older father with his hand on the leg of his Adderall zoned out son. But it made me flash on a gay friend who was looking to adopt with his partner. He wanted someone who would take care of them in their old age. 

I think I visibly cringed at that. As if having a child guarantee's that in the first place - and secondly, what a horrible reason to have a child.  As it would turn out, in less than a year he died, so...........there was little a tween or under could have done to help that situation, other than to feel fully abandoned........again. 

Still, even if glacial, it's all still progress. 

Maybe that goes for Juneteenth too ? 

Song by: George Michael

Friday, June 18, 2021


Here we go. Dogs and cat.  Singular. I only have one of Sophie this week, so apologies to you feline folks. 

Shep and his handler. 

...another walk-on role. No starring scenes for Shep..........again.  Rude!

Bailey being coy. 

15+ year old little girl. 

Wade Lagoon  - at the Cleveland Museum of Art

Morty made a new friend at the Miami Airport with Diesel, a luggage sniffer.

Shep and cousin Bailey at Bow Wow Beach. 
Shep went in just a little too far and actually had to swim. We. Were. Thrilled. 
......but after that, he was careful how he went into the water. 

Song by: Miles Davis



That was the SCOTUS vote to keep the ACA.  .....for the third time. 

And better yet: it was on a thrice seated BLOTUS SCOTUS. 

....and two of three of his appointees voted with the majority. 

SUCK. ON. THAT. you Obama-hating BLOTUS. 

Just for the record - we are still waiting for BLOTUS' "it's gonna be great" healthcare plan. 

Maybe he did enact it with COVID. And his secret Death Panels killed 600,000. That probably was his health plan. 

Song by: Bauhaus

Thursday, June 17, 2021

New Age

This past Sunday, I tried a little experiment. 

It used to be when 710 went to the office, he'd hit the grocery store every Tuesday on his way home. But that was 15 months ago. 

As he has almost strictly working from home and I had been mostly going into the office, we thought it wise for me to take over that duty. No reason to expose both of us to outside germs and possible death. 

So every Sunday morning, I slog off to the grocery store to pick up provisions. And I was going to the fancy store too - because they truly limited how many people could come in - and sometimes I'd have to wait outside in the freezing cold for 20 minutes for my turn. I was good with it. 

You'll be axing why not delivery or curbside pick-up, etc.  For one, I'm not a planner that way. You had to order sometimes days or a week ahead of time, as the demand was so great. And honestly, no one was picking out my produce but me - let alone their substitutions for things. 

But now, 15 months later, and even though the requirements for masks has been lifted in Ohio, I had not gone anywhere, other than dog walks, without one.

.....until last Sunday. 

I got to the parking lot and made a conscious decision to not wear a mask in the store. 

I won't lie - it felt freak as fuck. It felt wrong. It felt weird. 

And save for the store staff, I think I only passed four shoppers who were wearing them. So then I felt guilty for not wearing one. 

I don't know yet what the right balance is for having one or not. Oddly, I had to stop at a second store because the first one didn't have something 710 wanted.  I went in with a mask and was immediately calmer. 

For the foreseeable future, masks will stay I think. I have to wear one at work, and that just might be the way work is from now on. I mean, i LOVED not getting a cold that lasts 10 days during this last year. Flu shot or not, I think Blobby will be wearing a mask during flu season. 

At least that's my thought right now. 

Song by: Rachel Sweet

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Wuthering Heights

I'll give this to Lin Manuel Miranda - he has a style. 



While his Broadway production of In the Heights came years before the way more popular Hamilton, clearly he just continued on with his style from one to the next. 

The rhythm, the patter, the pattern, the notes don't really vary that much. The words do, but......that's about it. 

If you want to put too fine a look upon it, both plays are about men who came from the Caribbean to New York looking to find their place along with love. 

I don't know that In the Heights would have made the leap from Broadway to film had Hamilton not been such a mega-success. Yet, here we are, as it appeared on HBO (and in cinemas?) this last weekend. 

For a guy who doesn't really care for musicals, I certainly see more than my fair share. Of course, I blame my mother. Nurture will tell you that you cant' be raised in a house that watches every Rodgers & Hammerstein move repeatedly and not pick up something. 

Yet we watched. 

Anthony Ramos, who was also in Hamilton, stars in the role that Miranda has on stage. Luckily (?) he is bit player in the movie version as is Chris Jackson (swoon!) who was George Washington in Hamilton and a secondary lead in Heights stage version. 

I think Latin culture is woefully under represented in movies, and when it is, it's things like Scarface, Sicario, and West Side Story (the latter has a Spielberg version coming out..............where Tony is an alien!!!........just kidding on the alien part). 

So I will take any positive story about the culture, even if if means enduring mostly sub-par songs. 

The stories themselves are ok, if not predictable (and they are!) and a lot of the acting plays to the back of the room. That could be Latin culture or just Broadway holdovers. Or both. 

Ramos does a good job. The kid who plays Sonny is great for a teen - or an adult. And then there is Jimmy Smits.  I LOVE Smits, but he's 'eh' in this............and for the 4 seconds you see him in a dance scene it. is. painful.  

Smits is to dancing what Pierce Brosnan is to singing.  Or acting, when you really come to think about it. 

In the Heights is long - over 2.5 hours and flashy / stagey, but the shots and filming are well done (directed by the guy who did Crazy Rich Asians).   It gets a B. I saw it.........I don't think I need to revisit it though. 

2021 Movie Count / Goal: 12 of 15 

Song by: Kate Bush

Tuesday, June 15, 2021


Sophie turns 15 today. 

Hard to believe. She's been with us more than half the time we've been in Cleveland. 

Soph has been a mean girl to her big sister and "accommodating" of her two brothers over that decade and a half. But he's been a full time love to her two dads. 

There is no aloofness with her, as she is very much a pack animal in this house - and we wouldn't have it any other way. 

She is 15, so she has slowed down. There are no longer leaps from place to place and we have Kitty Kat Staircases® in a few rooms, which she uses expertly.  The ottoman's magically move if she wants to from chair to sofa - as long as one of us are in the room with her. 

And she is a talker - always has been. We call her Yellie. 

I'd say she'll get extra love from us today, but I'm not sure that is humanly possible. 

Song by: Rilo Kiley

Monday, June 14, 2021

My Music Monday

Lindsey Buckingham has a "new" song out. And a new album on the way.  The same day (or subsequent one) as the music media launch, he announced his impending divorce. 

The poor guy - every headline had some iteration of "go your own way".  He had to see that coming. 

I say his song is "new" because this album was supposed to be released before Fleetwood Mac's last tour started (2018). He asked for a delay on that tour for the disk to be released.  Instead he was fired from the band - and no disk ever materialized. 

Three years later - it's on the horizon, for better or worse. 

Buckingham has always had a problem with most of this solo work. Even for him, it's a little self-indulgent. And say what you want about his almost solo work with his former band, he probably had to pull back a bit to work somewhat with the other members. 

But "I Don't Mind" has an airy feel, much like a lot of what he's put out in the last 15 years. A lot of style, little substance. It was great to real hear him hit the guitar in the Killers' "Caution" earlier this year, but just a lot of finger picking here.  It's artistic and skilled for sure - as he is an incredible guitarist - but it just kind of lacks. 

The partial (?) / pseudo (?) autotune doesn't help matters - and on the main vocals, it's almost expected on his ever experimental backing one. He did this with his disk with Christine McVie back in 2017. 

I want to like his solo work more than I do, but he's gotta meet me halfway. 

Sunday, June 13, 2021

12 of 12

So I'm doing my 134th 12 of 12.

Normally it is 12 pictures taken on the 12th of the month. Since I only post once per day, you get my images the following day. All pictures taken with my iPhone. Click images to enlarge, if you choose.

Created by Chad Darnell and picked up from, what I can tell, any number of random bloggers who then link back to him and vice versa. Chad is no longer doing this, nor is successor coordinating the linking of other 12 of 12'ers anymore. Erik is back and I think he's picking up 12 of 12 again.

05:29.  Shep "let me" sleep until after 5a.  So, we went our morning walk. 

05:53.  First breakfast.  Raisin Bran - the leftover milk is Sophie's favourite. 
I mean, I am assuming there will be a second one 

08:17.  Neighbor's house. As seen on 2nd dog walk of the morning. 

09:26.  I was not incorrect about second breakfast. 
Homemade eggwich. 

11:32. Someone trying to butter me up to go out for our afternoon adventure. 
He was successful. He always is 

12:47.  On our way. In a different county, even. 

13:10.  Picnic spot - overlooking Lake Erie. 

13:37.  He did not wait 45 minutes after eating before swimming.  Bad dog!

13:44.  Here Lies Dobby, a Free Elf. 

14:08.  Ate lunch near a nuclear power plant. 
Best I can tell, I still have no super powers.  Drat!

19:52.  Lamplighter. 
I've deemed it my job to turn on the front porch and back yard lights at dusk. 

21:32.  Orange & Brown. 
If you haven't had chocolate ice cream and orange sherbet together, I highly suggest trying this combo. 

Another 12 of 12 on the books. 

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Good Times

A LONG weird work week.  It might be an edible weekend. 

But during the week, I had the kids 

Shep up high. 

Posing cat. I love her hanging around. 

Sophie has to be in on the action too. She does not want to be left out.  Ever. 

Rocky River Reservation "swim".

She lounges anywhere,  And everywhere. 

When Harriet Met Shep. 

Harriet is a 5 month old Bassett Hound. She LOVED Shep. 
She has not yet found her bark. She'll get there. 

Both are hoping for treats. 
Both would not be disappointed. 

.....and Bailey turns two. 

.....and my sister has to admit she has a problem. 

Song by: Chic