Thursday, August 31, 2023

Tango T'ill They're Sore

Well, I don't have Covid. 

Yes, I probably overreacted, but maybe not. I just don't get sick much.

With Covid and mask wearing, I'd avoided my annual cold for three years. I think having my septum fixed helped that too. And oddly, working in healthcare and going to the office daily for the most part of Covid, I've never gotten it. 

Still, yesterday, mid-morning, I got a wicked sore throat. I'd say seemingly out of nowhere, but Shep was more then restless and I was up at 01:20 with him and never truly went back to sleep. I actually "slept" on the sofa with him.  In reality, I was operating on 3.5 hours of sleep. 

However, while away, I got notifications that one after the other of my staff had Covid. 

Yes, it is rearing its ugly head again. 

So: sore throat + don't get sick much + resurgence = Blobby heading down to self-swab at the ED to see if he is or isn't. 

He isn't. 

It's not hypochondria. Maybe a little. It's more about not wanting to sick. Or sicker. 

Tomorrow, (or Today) I will plan to work from home. I almost never do. But why go in with an ailment? Everyone else works hybrid - I just haven't. My old norm will be weird tomorrow. Maybe Friday too. 

I skirted this again. Amazing we are coming up on four years of Covid and somehow I've been good. 

What are the odds? 

Song by: Tom Waits

Wednesday, August 30, 2023


The über calculated move by Mark Meadows has me frickin' worried. 

He actually testified in a pre-trial hearing two days ago, attempting to convince a judge that, as BLOTUS’ right-hand man at the White House, his various attempts to block his 2020 election loss to Joe Biden were part of his official government duties.

Wait.  What?

I really really really need to see that job description. 

The audacity in that statement is one thing, but it's the potential outcome that is the worry. 

Meadows could get this trial taken out of Georgia, and out of the state system, and thrown into Federal court. 

Beside the obvious delays that would cause the trial, depending on the 2024 election, the "winner" might pardon everything and drop everything for everyone. 

It's an unfortunate reality. A very probable one. Not possible. Probable. 

The voting public is fucked up. The GOP is double fucked up. None in that pack of losers the other night on CNN (well, I heard, I didn't actually watch that shit show) polls like BLOTUS, or raises money like him. And they are all scared as shit about him. They can't berate him, because they'll lose those votes - which are more than they're ever going to get. 

Every single candidate said they'd support him if he was candidate of choice and was charged (or convicted?) of a felony. What fucking pussy-assed men these are. 

So, unless something miraculous happens, BLOTUS is going to be the GOP's 2024 pick. And if trials are delayed enough, he could be in office and shut it down. 

Meadows was willing to fall on a testimony sword to get this moved to Federal court. I'm hoping the judge ends it with a big fat 'no'. 

I'm no fan of Hillary, but she was right to call them "deplorables".  

Nail on the head. 

Song by: Jamiroquai

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Blister in the Sun

I'd say, no one said running wasn't pretty - and if you see me do it, you'd think the same thing. 

Oddly, what you see, which is not photographed well, are two individual blisters that are on one toe. Yay me!!!

Actually, I returned from vacation with these. And while they could be from running, the more likely thing is they are from walking the beach. 

I ran most days during our time away. Running on the Mall at dawn was fun. I did that twice. DC runners are not a friendly sort. I did my nod and or wave at each passing person, none reciprocated. 

The beach was better. I'm not stupid enough to run on the beach. Sand gives way and the chances of injuring yourself (or 'myself') are high. Still I had to go out at dawn, because anything after would be too warm. 

Most days, I'd finish my fun by 07:15, kick of the shoes and shirt and dive right in the ocean. It rarely cooled me down enough. 

Still, I'd walk the beach later in the day. Sometimes with my husband; sometimes with Morty. 

One such walk I took with the latter was over five miles long. That is where I did most of the damage to my feet. 

Oddly (or not?) I haven't sustained too many runner injuries. Yes, my hips and knees. But no shin splints, no bloody nipples, no chafing and very very few blisters. 

Now I have two. 

It hasn't stopped me from running. I came back to a run the following day that ended up being 16 miles. Yeah, the blisters were annoying, but nothing to stop me. 

I'll tell you what I was pissed about:  my new shoes. They only have 95 miles on them and parts of the sole are already separating on them. 

They are far too used to be returned, but I will speak to someone at the store about this. Yeah, I can glue them but still..........they were not inexpensive. I don't want to have to buy a second pair of shoes a month in. 

I'm finding that running is an expensive sport. Mostly shoes and races, but they add up. More if you include the physical therapy costs and cortisone shots. 

I'm still glad I'm doing it. 

Song by: the Violent Femmes

Monday, August 28, 2023

My Music Monday

Jenny Lewis is very hit and miss for me. A big miss was Rilo Kiley. I know the band was a critical darling, but I could never figure them out and never got their groove. 

Lewis' first solo album was great. The next one, not so much. Then back to Rilo Kiley, and then on to Jonathan & Jenny........and now back to solo. I'm sure there were other iterations in there as well. 

She has a new disk coming out (if it's not already out), but getting a song, "Psychos" that is getting some airplay - and maybe rightfully so. 

"Psychos" is catchy, though light and airy. Something intuitive about the song - it's easy to pick up in terms of the lyrics and structure. 

The video does her nor the song any favours, but what are you going to do. Sometimes I'm amazed they're still being made. I mean, besides me, who actually shows these? 

Sunday, August 27, 2023

4 Minutes

Whilst away, Cleveburg had storms. Two of them. 

Ironically, what would seem the worst one - the second one - would do less damage than the first. At least at our house. 

The second one brought at EF-1 tornado about two miles from our house. Yes, it was the lowest of the F status, but I don't want to encounter that. I think the worse part of it, was that it happened at midnight-ish. The thing you couldn't see.

Actually, northern Ohio had nine touch down that day. I don't think we have nine in a decade, so yes.......climate change, I'm guessing. 

"Ours" was 150 yards wide and roared at 110 mph. It stayed on the ground for four minutes. 

It would knock out power to three-quarters of a million people. We were spared, and not just because we were in another state. We came home to no real damage, no flooding, and electricity. 

The first storm the day before, was just a violent thunderstorm, but it would cause as much damage in our 'hood as the tornado would - mostly in the shape of downed trees, limbs and flooding. 

We have four trees in our front yard. Mature ones. Technically we have six. Those other two were replacements from a microburst four years ago. 

As you can see, we lost sizeable "branches" (read: tops of the trees). The arborist said we might have to lose three of them. Maybe all of them. 

More importantly, no one was hurt when they fell. It's the big take away.  

Song by: Madonna & Justin Timberlake

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Come Back

It is always sad that we cannot bring the pets with us on vacation. I mean, Simon was always going to be good at home. Shep is another matter. 

Depending on the circumstances we'd love to accommodate him. We can always find a place that takes pets, but he's not great about being left alone, especially in new places. It would mean every meal in, it would mean only one person could go out to the beach at a time (as during high season most beaches don't allow them). 

And if there are others present, he's inconsistent with his behaviour.  So we don't take them, and we miss them. 

Shep wasn't leaving my car, as I was cleaning it for vacation. 
He knows the drill. He knows what it means. 

Simon has never seen a suitcase before. 
Yet he somewhat know the gist of what is happening and refuses to be left out of the fun. 

Daycare did have him in their feed a few times, so we did get to see Shep. 

710 took this before we left. Both of them hanging out in his home office. 

.....and there was the reunion. 
He was hyperexcited for hours. But he's home and safe and passed out as I draft this. 

Song by: Foo Fighters

Friday, August 25, 2023

Dimming of the Day

While not a throwaway post, it is keeping with the minimal blogging experience of vacation. 

Today is technically the last day. As most of you read this, we will be heading home to rescue Shep from his boarding time. We will all be happy to be reunited. 

The week (plus) was grand. I logged into work thrice, for a few moments only.  Of course, I'll pay for not doing it more, but being disconnected was far more important to me and my mental health. 

We still have the weekend too, but that will be at home. As much as I like being away, I do love home and the consistency it brings. I am a creature of habit for sure. 

Not blogging the events of the days - the not mine parts - was also great. I've missed some current events - none of them good or even up lifting. Maybe I'll recap on those later, but probably not. 

Song by: Alison Krauss + Union Station

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Tequila Sunrise

I think you have a few more of these posts. I'm sure I'll do a wrap up here at some point, but you know.......vacation. 

Lots of fun. Great friends. Lots of good food and drink. Plenty of laughs. 

But lots of limited time for blog thoughts - and I'm sure I have many. Still, time slips away and tequila runs freely - so it's a bad combination when it comes to composing anything of substance. 

I'm four margaritas in as I lay in bed drafting this. I've decided that while I normally love white wine, this trip it has done me no favours. 

Ok. while it's only 21:24 at this point, I still have to go to bed. I still have to run in the a.m. For the most part, I don't suffer from hangovers (though they still exist from time to time), but I still run as the sun comes up. 

Song by: the Eagles

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Games Without Frontiers

We've been having a lot of fun with games this vacation. 

You need friends for this, of course, but with or without booze, it's fun. 

Telestrations is one of those. 

Think "telephone" but with one word and pictures.  

Well more than one word.  Each person alternates between the word, drawing a picture of said word, then the other person guessing what it is supposed to be, with the next person drawing it - and so on. 

Probably an easier way to describe, but I'm three margaritas in and two glasses of wine. 

Let's see if I can share an example. 

The original word 710 had.  He passed it to Morty who drew......

Hip.  O.  

....or so he thought. Dith's guess was.....

Yes.  That. 

This is what I drew from Dith's guess.  Though mine was plural. 

Jon accurately - from my description, but not the original word, was spot on. 

Semi on the mark of Jon, but not really. And I don't even know what the four extra things are. 

Nor did Rebecca who guessed......this. 

Yes. hippopotamus to Dick Pimples.  

Our sides were splitting - and it was only one of our rounds.  We'd have been having a rip roaring time without alcohol, but it's been a fun game to play. 

I highly suggest it all for you and your friends. 

Song by: Peter Gabriel

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

House of Cards

Yesterday I said I might be drunk.  Today (last evening) there was no "might". 

I'm in bed, well after hours, barely drafting this as everyone says "goodnight".  We had an incredible dinner and drank and played Cards Against Humanity to hilarious results. 

I did not come close to winning, except for the fact that I have the best husband in the world, along with the best friends. 

This could be a longer post, but you know..........alcohol. 

Song by: Mary Chapin Carpenter

Monday, August 21, 2023

My Music Monday

This is just a shuffle post. 

 10th song, you get to listen to it.

The Black Keys from an album from four years ago. The song is "Fire Walk with Me". 

I am about 50% sure it has nothing to do with Laura Palmer's dream. Or Agent Cooper's dream about Laura Palmer, I guess. 

I love the disk. I love the song. The group is good too, especially the deep tracks. I guess this would be one of those. Maybe?

But it's got a good beat, good structure and vocals. 

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Beach Baby

It's possible I'm drunk. 

Probable even. 

This week is vacation week. For me.  And my friends. 

As I am inebriated, I may have ok'd during a group dinner to allow guest bloggers for a week. Or so. 

On one hand, it gets me off the hook, for a week. Or so. 

On the other hand, this could go way way way way wrong for me. And let's be honest, it's going to go way way way wrong for me. 

I'm owning it.  And again - honesty - there's like a 28% chance that this will happen. Bigger chance is I'll have to sober up and do all the entires myself. 

Song by: First Class

Saturday, August 19, 2023


It's Saturday.  You know the drill.  Me no talk-ee, you more look-ee. 

Simon does like his windows. Sophie never cared about them. Tovah did. 
Simon's all about them. 

Until he's not. 

I don't know who Shep's friend is, but they seem to get along. 

This friend?  I'm waiting for the day Simon and Shep just cuddle. 
The stalking thing is stressful for everyone but Simon. 

Song by: 10,000 Maniacs

Friday, August 18, 2023

Harper Valley PTA

I'm just saying, I must love my husband because he continually wants to infuse educational aspects into our get aways. 

....and I let him!

Last year he wanted to go to Harper's Ferry, but I was in a boot. So, we went this year 

I mentioned to a few people about going, but no one knew about it. Or heard about it. Like they almost didn't go to elementary or secondary school. 

John Brown was the guy. The center of the story. An abolitionist - and "they" never quite told us what that word meant, or any context. I probably thought at the time that he was the bad guy. 

He wasn't. I mean, he kind of was, but with good intentions. 

Brown almost single handily kicked off the Civil War. Yes, two years between Harper's Ferry and the war, but his failed attempt kick-started the rights and wrongs of slavery.  There were no rights, of course, but people never truly addressed it or thought about it to a degree of change until then. 

The town was as is it was in 1859, though the restrooms did have plumbing. The National Park Service guy giving the 4-1-1 on the historical accuracy was good and relaxed. Honestly, I was waiting for MAGA or DeSantis supporting person to say "slavery is an opinion" and a learning opportunity, but luckily that didn't happen. 

I'm glad we went. I learned a few things. 

It would not be the last educational portion of our trip. 

Song by: Jeannie C. Riley

Thursday, August 17, 2023


I cannot believe I have to write about BLOTUS again. 

I am hoping, in the long (but not too long) run, it pays off. Handsomely. 

There is no love between me and the state of Georgia. Outside of Atlanta, it's still a lot of confederate flags and fucked up rednecks. Anyone I know and like in that state lives in Atlanta. I just don't seemingly like them enough to visit them. 

But yay for the district attorney taking no prisoners (pun fully intended) in the RICO charges that include the very former president and his cronies. 

Yay for the fact that BLOTUS has to turn himself in and get a mug shot. I hope they do the height / weight thing too, because that bullshit of 239 never held water 

710 is not incorrect about the GOP using / politicizing this with said mug shot. But fuck if the Dems don't use it too - as they should - in keeping a felon out of office. They should totally Azkaban Wanted Poster it.

Of course, I want BLOTUS to be found guilty. But fuck if I don't want Guliani to die in prison (5-20 years......and well.......tick tick tick). And for Sydney Powell to get the broom handle up the ass treatment in prison. 

I'm not caring for the discussion of putting this at a Federal level. There are too many opportunities for pardons should you know who somehow, someway regain that office. I have heard the argument that no state system has had this kind of trial before. Fuck that. No federal court has had this either. RICO, sure - but not like this. 

Should the "man" go broke defending himself, so be it. I mean, why a "billionaire" needs to ask supporters to donate money for this is beyond me - in theory. In reality the billionaire is penniless. Poor Melanoma hasn't figured that out yet - but she's about to. 

If all this does is fuck up the 2024 election cycle for the GOP, we've already won. Prison or house arrest for the next decade is just icing on the cake. 

Song by: Dan Bern

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Get Out

Back in the day (this what men in their 60's say), my friend Jon and I would go to dinner. Quite frequently, we would not say a word to each other. We didn't have to. 

The people around you offer enough entertainment that we didn't need to subject each other with tales of our day. I don't know if people think their table is some kind of fortress of solitude where they think they are sound-proofed or not.  But.........they're not. 

To this day, we talk about a handful of our eavesdropping / dinner sessions. 

Last night, in a wonderful Thai place in Dupont Circle (great meal!), 710 and I had dinner.   ......and a show. 

One of the guys in this picture showed up early. And looking eager.  The other guy was clearly late and there was little wading in the conversation water. least for one. 

The first question was about the guy in green's birthday. "I won't lie," says he, "I was spiraling".  Honey, you're maybe 30. Maybe. Try doubling that. 

But then the other guy gets right to it:  BREAK-UP. 

I was all over this. 

But  he waits until they fucking order. 

This poor guy in green now has to sit waiting for his food and eat it, while the other guy never. shuts. the. fuck. up. all the while trying to justify the "not in the same place", "working on being friends", "I have to work on myself".  

The phrasing was in such a way that you almost thought he was doing it observationally about another couple. I'm guessing the other guy hoped so too. 

For a second, the guy on the right had his eyes start to well up.  I wanted to just lean over and go, "just. go.   GET OUT". I wish I had his number to text him. 

Still we are like 17 minutes in, and the guy is STILL talking and attempting justification. He's like the cat who plays with the mouse for a long long time before killing it - even though all parties know how it will end. 

The victim - that's what I'm calling him - just sat there, both his legs bouncing like crazy. I felt him - as it is such a tell, and one that I have. Like Restless Leg Syndrome x 10. He was putting on a brave face, but I wanted to cover his appetizer cost just so he could bolt. 

Guy #2 - on the left, the break-up czar - actually looked at his Apple watch in the middle of one of his sentences. "It's your friend.......{i couldn't hear who}".    "Why's he texting you?" was the question. "I dunno, we've just been talking lately".    

Boom. There it is. 

Way harsh, Tai!

Honestly, I don't think the victim truly put 2+2 together. 

Our dinner was done, but I was in no real rush to leave, except they wanted to turn the table, which I can appreciate.  As we were getting up, I really considered just leaning in and say, "Dude - JUST GO!  You can do so much better than this!". 

Maybe I should have. I think if nothing it would have broken the tension..........for him, not the other guy. 


Tuesday, August 15, 2023


This is what 60 looks like.........I guess. 

I should have put on my aviator glasses and gone full '70's porn guy. 

While I used portrait mode and the 'high key light mono' setting, I used no filter per se.  What you see, is what you get. 

The image you see in my blog (upper right corner) is from 2007?,  Or 2006? Am I duping people into think that's who I am, or that's what I look like? 

I'm not a big fan of most of my pictures, which is why that one remains. I like it. And honestly, I don't have a better one with which to replace. 

I'd say I buried the lead, but it's on the top line. 


I turned 60 on Sunday. I took that picture on Sunday. Somewhat memorializing the aging of a blogger. 

However my head is angled, I'm guessing an endocrinologist would say I have a thyroid issue going on with my neck......or where my neck should be. Hopefully it's just an angle.......and / or lighting.  And you know, NOT a tumour. 

I took the goatee down to a stache. I do that once or twice a year and usually immediately regret it. Not yet, but I'm not feeling it either. I'm a hairy dude (save the head) so if I want to grow a beard and goatee, I just have wait four days. 

Anyway.  60. 

I don't really feel that different. I'm sore, but I'm an old man who runs a lot Things are bound to ache. I probably have to pee a little more in the middle of the night than I used to. My metabolism has slowed. But that might be where it ends? 

I say this now and again - I never expected to live this long. Honestly. 

I think the same can be said for my friends and my doctors too. When cancer and / or a toe nail fungus can't take you down, you're kind of invincible.  Ironically, it took a lot longer to get rid of the guy that Lamasil tries to murder than it did to cut out most of my femur. 

60 should bring about some huge perspective or epiphany, but so far I got nothing. Maybe FedEx hasn't delivered it yet. I have no words of wisdom for those about to enter this phase of life. I'm not even sure which phase it might be. 

The future is unknown, of course. But for more than half of my life, I have been surrounded by great friends and my husband. Yeah, some family too - but most of it is chosen family. So that part I can confidently say I have, and will. Listen, if I haven't alienated them by now, I think I'm good. 

Through this blog, I've made some good friends as well. Some in person. Some virtually. Some just via email. Some of the bloggers, and friends, have come and gone. And some are gone-gone. Those help you take stock of who remains. And why. 

Like my 50th, I refuse to take my friends for granted. Instead, I manipulate them to come on a trip and hang for a week. More are attending than did a decade ago.  This is great. Maybe we can repeat in another 10,'d have to be a single story residence somewhere with wheelchair accessibility and n the vicinity of a major medical center. 

The good thing is - half of us are in our 60's, and the other half are fast approaching. The first time half of us met, it was at an after hours party. This time we'll all be in bed before 21:30. 

If six decades allows us to get together for these kinds of things, then the age is just a number - and I'm appreciative for it. And to it. 

Of course, I'm hoping there will be cake.  That alone is worth turning 60. 

Song by: Pat Benatar

Monday, August 14, 2023

My Music Monday

I made Fleetwood Mac's live version of "Big Love" a MMM post 12 years ago (!!!). 

I had (and have) to define the live version because in theory it's not the band, just Lindsey Buckingham. 

The 1987 recording, while a Billboard hit, was mostly Buckingham too. Even some of the background vocals were just his manipulated to be sound feminine, but not Christine McVie's or Stevie Nicks'. 

The live version is nothing but Buckingham and some incredible guitar work. 

John Paul White, who hasn't had an album out since like 2019 (?) has just put out his own version.

I'm all for a good cover, but they are very difficult to fine. We've been over this subject over the last two decades. Still, I'm a sucker for trying them and am usually tres disappointed. 

I neither love nor hate JPW's version. It's partially faithful, partially expands and expounds upon Buckingham's versions - both the live and studio. It's interesting for sure. I've just had 35+ years with the other versions. 

I'll take any output I can get from White. I think he is a great talent. 

Sunday, August 13, 2023

12 of 12

 So I'm doing my 160th 12 of 12.

Normally it is 12 pictures taken on the 12th of the month. Since I only post once per day, you get my images the following day. All pictures taken with my iPhone. Click images to enlarge, if you choose.

Created by Chad Darnell and picked up from, what I can tell, any number of random bloggers who then link back to him and vice versa. Chad is no longer doing this, nor is successor coordinating the linking of other 12 of 12'ers anymore. 

03:44.  I was in an Akron hotel so I could do a race that required me to be on site before 05:30. 
HUGE thunderstorms that lasted from 19:00 the day before until shortly after I took this. 

It stopped raining before I left for the race. 

04:56. Prepping the shirt. 

Had to attach the bib. Next race, I might do it on the shorts. 

05:12.  I-77 South. 

Construction the entire way. 

05:54. Goodyear Test Track. 

The Goodyear 10k starts on their test track. Their airship hovered overhead for the start. 
I ran into a running friend, Joe - who ran with me in April and May - and his friend Gavin. I did not run with either of them this time. 

06:47-ish. 1.3 mile marker.

Don't ask me why they capture it then. Keeping pace with my Running Wife, Carrie. 

Ignore the "FINISH" sign. It wasn't. Not at the point in the race. This would also be my last race in my current age bracket. 

09:51. Protein. 

I had little to eat before the race and I just wanted to get home. They were serving hamburgers and beer after the 07:30.  No thank you. 

Peanut Butter toast tided me over until lunch. 

12:12. Picnic Prep. 

Shep was all about where Dad #1 was and when was he coming back. 
I was persona non-grata. 

12:43.  Picnic Interrupted. 

Halfway through our sandwiches, we felt rain. Then lightning alert came on our phones. 
Nothing on the radar. Nothing had been predicted until 16:00.  And then it just went to Tornado Warning. 

We didn't have a chance to make it back to the car before.........

12:50.  Deluge. 

Streets were totally flooded within minutes. 

14:18.  Paws and Claws. 

And yes, there was polish. 

15:00.  OMFG. 

The funniest thing I've seen in a long time. I love someone actually made this, someone bought it and stuck it on their car. 

15:19. Grocery run. 
Abbreviated, but still had to go. 

This concludes this month's 12 of 12. 

Saturday, August 12, 2023

the Hunter Gets Captured by the Game

Blah blah blah.....Ginger. 

Simon is a hunter all the way.  He killed poor Lambchop - which is Shep's toy. 
He also has a small cat version, which he ignores. 

Shep - recreational activities. 

How much is that Kitler in the window? 

Shep has a best friend - he just doesn't realize it yet. 

He's all about exploring. 

Simon tries to test the waters on how close he can get. 

Song by: Blondie

Friday, August 11, 2023

If I Could Write

2,000,000 blog views. 

......and it only took me 20 years, 4 months and 21 days.  .....and 6,802 posts. But who's counting?

I won't lie, I saw the numbers creeping up over the last week, so I knew it was on the way. The way reader frequemcy goes, it could have been a day or a week. There is some predictably Yesterday, before leaving for the gym, I looked, and I was at 1,999,998.  I stuck around for five more minutes but it didn't change. 

Mostly the blog has been a labour of love. Or like. Ok.......begrudgingly acceptance. You might have guessed that some days it's a chore. Lucky (?) for you I have a healthy-like level of OCD which is what really keeps this thing running. 

Somewhere in here there are 18,380 comments. You folks have an unhealthy OCD thing going on. 

I have said it before, I don't know how this will end.  I'm sure it will. When or how...........who knows. 

I had no plans to start a blog, so it only makes sense I have no plans...............well, about anything with this blog. 

There are assumptions that I'll ever to make it to 4,000,000.   None. 

Song by: Sam Phillips

Thursday, August 10, 2023

the Sound is Fading

I get that I am now of "that age" where the artists I grew up with are not just aging along with me, but dying. 

These last few weeks have kind of proved that. Even Randy Meisner's death went pretty much unnoticed. 

Yesterday though, it was Robbie Robertson. 80.


Robertson was a founding member and one of the main songwriters of the Band. That group was widely known as the band that took Dylan electric. They had their own body of work too - much of it notable, but still, backing Dylan for a few years was a big deal. 

When the Band ended in 1978 (?), Martin Scorsese directed their last concerts and released the Last Waltz, which is still regarded as a classic rock movie. Robertson would partner with Scorsese and score 6-7 of his movies. 

Robertson was Canadian, a Jew and Native American......well, native to Canada. He would incorporate much of the latter into his solo work. He even wrote pieces specifically for the Smithsonian's National Museum of the American Indian. 

He was well spoken, interesting man and artist. 

His first solo disk didn't appear until a decade after the Band's demise. But the self-titled album was a good one. Scorsese even directed the video for the initial single, "Somewhere Down the Crazy River". 

The video was beautifully shot, and lit. My friend Jon is no fan of it.  Me?  I'm a big fan. Of the song and video - which incudes Maria McKee and Sam Llanas from toe BoDeans.  Tony Levin and Daniel Lanois almost make appearances. I featured it several years ago in a My Music Monday, but I'm repeating it here..........on a Thursday. 

I found Robertson untraditionally handsome. But 80 is a good life. And he made a lot of it. 

Song by: Robbie Robertson