We've been having a lot of fun with games this vacation.
You need friends for this, of course, but with or without booze, it's fun.
Telestrations is one of those.
Think "telephone" but with one word and pictures.
Well more than one word. Each person alternates between the word, drawing a picture of said word, then the other person guessing what it is supposed to be, with the next person drawing it - and so on.
Probably an easier way to describe, but I'm three margaritas in and two glasses of wine.
Let's see if I can share an example.
The original word 710 had. He passed it to Morty who drew......
Hip. O.
....or so he thought. Dith's guess was.....
Yes. That.
This is what I drew from Dith's guess. Though mine was plural.
Jon accurately - from my description, but not the original word, was spot on.
Semi on the mark of Jon, but not really. And I don't even know what the four extra things are.
Nor did Rebecca who guessed......this.
Yes. hippopotamus to Dick Pimples.
Our sides were splitting - and it was only one of our rounds. We'd have been having a rip roaring time without alcohol, but it's been a fun game to play.
I highly suggest it all for you and your friends.
Song by: Peter Gabriel
Your minds go from the zoo to - - - in a hurry.
Wars without fears.
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