Saturday, August 26, 2023

Come Back

It is always sad that we cannot bring the pets with us on vacation. I mean, Simon was always going to be good at home. Shep is another matter. 

Depending on the circumstances we'd love to accommodate him. We can always find a place that takes pets, but he's not great about being left alone, especially in new places. It would mean every meal in, it would mean only one person could go out to the beach at a time (as during high season most beaches don't allow them). 

And if there are others present, he's inconsistent with his behaviour.  So we don't take them, and we miss them. 

Shep wasn't leaving my car, as I was cleaning it for vacation. 
He knows the drill. He knows what it means. 

Simon has never seen a suitcase before. 
Yet he somewhat know the gist of what is happening and refuses to be left out of the fun. 

Daycare did have him in their feed a few times, so we did get to see Shep. 

710 took this before we left. Both of them hanging out in his home office. 

.....and there was the reunion. 
He was hyperexcited for hours. But he's home and safe and passed out as I draft this. 

Song by: Foo Fighters


Raybeard said...

Poignant pics and tale. I'd be missing them so much there wouldn't be any point in going away at all, would so becloud my mood. Shep's facial expression always gives him away. He can't but help but wear his heart on his sleeve (if he had one). Simon, on the other paw, demonstrates typical feline inscrutability.

Travel said...

I think there is a glimpse of the hubby there at the end.

Old Lurker said...

OMG Travel Penguin is right! He's cute! You never told us 710 was cute?

Bob said...

Our cats always nested in the suitcases while we pack for a trip.

Happyman said...

THAT is a happy dog!

James Dwight Williamson said...

Home sweet home

Anonymous said...

Best video ever.

Will Jay

Ur-spo said...

My cats used to sit on suitcases too.
The enthusiasm of dogs upon coming home is a joy like no other.