Saturday, August 05, 2023

Growing Up

So, Simon had some shots yesterday.  Another vet in the practice saw him. She thinks the other vet was incorrect about his age. She thinks based on his teeth that he is probably a month older than we first thought. 

There are times he looks like a full grown cat, but mostly he's still very kittenish. 

I just love Simon's markings. Shep is less than enthused by the attention. 

Does this mean Shep is a star?

Casual Simon. 

He loves the window wells. 

When Shep met Bluto. 

Shep & Arthur.  
We cannot walk on the same street without Arthur insisting on seeing and playing with Shep. 

Song by: Peter Gabriel


Raybeard said...

As ever, both Shep and Simon are attention grabbers, either separately or together - and Shep with doggie 'strangers' too! But I sense that when Shep and Simon are interacting with each other, the former gets a bit narked that its Simon who hogs the limelight. Poor Shep - we won't stop loving you (as well!).

James Dwight Williamson said...

Simon is more beautiful every week

Travel said...

Such a cute pair.

Anonymous said...

Great photos, Simon is very good at posing.

The Cool Cookie said...

The boys are hoping to meet Shep. Hoping to get the yard fenced in before winter.

Ur-spo said...

Simon cat is settling in good for him!