Tuesday, February 28, 2023
Record of the Month
Monday, February 27, 2023
My Music Monday
Sunday, February 26, 2023
Not That Funny
Saturday, February 25, 2023
The weather has been so-so too. It's either unseasonably warm or like yesterday - bitter to the bone. Today, I think we are getting both. But I'll be running in the bitter cold.
Friday, February 24, 2023
Drink the Water
Thursday, February 23, 2023
Red Skies at Night
Song by: the Fixx
Wednesday, February 22, 2023
Keeping Pace
Tuesday, February 21, 2023
Shopping with Blobby
Yet another installment in the drudgery that is everyday shopping. The camera-phone makes it a bit more fun - though I get looks whenever I take pics of products. Like I care what people think!
Technically, this is Gifting with 710. ....and yes, it's another running item.
My December holiday gifts from 710 were mostly running related - and all appreciated.
Seriously, a headband to catch about 87% of the drippings from my Dr. Bunsun Honeydew noggin was possibly the best of the season. Yeah, I look like a douche in it, but I'm not going for glamour (obvi) or trying to get a date at 05:00. Sorry - "date".
He also got me a new device in which to play music.
Last year, he got me the new AirPods and I really like them. The sound is amazing. They look good too. And for running on the treadmill they stay in. For most of my workouts they stay in. But not all.
Laying back on a weight bench is almost guaranteed to have at least one fall from your ear and bounce 8' away. It's 100% when you're on an inclined bench or doing certain ab crunches. And as I found out, why they won't even remotely stay in during outdoor running baffles me. Clearly running indoors vs out differs on just about every level.
Oddly, or not, as a gay man, there are certain openings I don't want things slipped into me. Ears, oddly or not, are second on that list. Honestly - the nose is #1.
Actually, now that I think about it, after my cystoscopy, the peehole is #1. Nose 2, Ears 3.
Sure sure......I have used earbuds for the last decade. In the Walkman era, they were foam covered speakers that went over your ears. And I honestly think I might not be the target audience for the over the ear noise-cancelling cans.
710 got me bone conducting "head phones". I'm kind of digging them. Kind of.
As I learned when I temporarily lost hearing a few years back, you hear with the bones in / around your ear than that drum thingy.
As you see, the device goes behind my head and over my ears - which secures them onto said Honeydew Head. And the listening devices sit in front of the ears onto the bone.
Since they are outside the ear, one might think others can hear their Sister Sledge playing for all to hear. You'd be incorrect. We tested them out when I got them and no one could hear a thing, save the person wearing them.
There's a slight adjustment period to them, for sure. The volume levels are not where you'd want them to be, so I basically turn it to 11. I feel somewhat better at that range, which just sounds the normal loudness, that it's not directly into my ears.
The buttons are not intuitive, at least to me. I've found myself doing almost nothing with them other than power on / off. I don't advance songs, or repeat them. I almost only use them at the gym or for running, so I don't need to pause to chat with someone, as I try not to talk to folks in the gym.
Yeah, when you're inverted, they slide a little so the sound muffles a bit, but it's not a deal breaker.
You can take calls on it, not that I have. We tested it, but again: 05:00....gym......no one is calling me.
My big issue - and maybe I just don't know my way around it yet - is there is seemingly no Siri response. "She" isn't getting the message when I talk like I do with my AirPods. I'm guessing it is some mic setting? But I have had others where it's just not an option. I hope these are not that, but I'll find out eventually.
Mort has told me not to listen to music while running outdoors due to safety, and I totally get that, I notice many folks in my running group with something on, but so far I have not. Right now, it has just been for indoor running.
Monday, February 20, 2023
My Music Monday
Sunday, February 19, 2023
Saturday, February 18, 2023
A decent animal week. I mean, there was a holiday, so you know my sister was gonna dress Bailey up somehow; someway.
Song by: Marty Balin
Friday, February 17, 2023
Shooting Star
Thursday, February 16, 2023
Kill Yourself
While I have had suicide touch my life and you know, I don't advocate for it necessarily, I still say "good" for this douche,
Actually, and I think I speak for many, we thought / hoped / wished / prayed it was the guy to his left who off'd himself.
I think of that tiki torch toting twat more than I'd like. The face. The hate. The vile.
I hope that image follows him all his fucking life. Job interviews. Dates. Meeting his future in-laws. Neighbors. And yes, his kids.
Of course, he'll surround himself with folks who are as repugnant as he. The gun-toting Karen of a wife. The Aryan Nation children. But I hope work - whatever he does* - is a constant source of liability for him and whatever company might hire him.
But if the theme song from Baretta has taught us anything, it was if you can't do the time then do not do the crime.
Ironically, even Robert Blake didn't take heed with that one. Nor this torch wielding guy. He was afraid to do the time, so he took the easy way out.
Hell, he was afraid he might do the time. But clearly he knew he was guilty and AP and that photo made sure to let everyone on the jury know he was there and participated willingly.
Maybe the dude never saw Oz. Prison is flooded with white supremacist. He'd have been safe(r) than some of the population. But that protection comes at a price and I don't know how much vaseline costs in the prison commissary.
So, thank you D-bag #2. Save us the trial and your possible faux remorse. Save the tax payers your three-squares and a cot. Go fucking rot in hell.
.....and take your friend with you.
*he probably has a future in tiki torch sales, if he wasn't already their top employee before this.
Song by: Timbaland
Wednesday, February 15, 2023
How Much More?
Tuesday, February 14, 2023
Precious and Few
Monday, February 13, 2023
12 of 12
So I'm doing my 154th 12 of 12.
Normally it is 12 pictures taken on the 12th of the month. Since I only post once per day, you get my images the following day. All pictures taken with my iPhone. Click images to enlarge, if you choose.
Created by Chad Darnell and picked up from, what I can tell, any number of random bloggers who then link back to him and vice versa. Chad is no longer doing this, nor is successor coordinating the linking of other 12 of 12'ers anymore. Erik is back and I think he's picking up 12 of 12 again.
Sunday, February 12, 2023
Everybody Hurts
Saturday, February 11, 2023
I Lie Around
Yeah- I forgot. to write an intro. This is how my brain is working this week. Pets. Dogs. No cats this week. I need to work on that.
Song by: Paul McCartney & Wings
Friday, February 10, 2023
(They Long to Be) Close to You
Thursday, February 09, 2023
Wednesday, February 08, 2023
Honestly, I have nothing.
It's after 21:00 and it's only 15-30 minutes before bed. And I forgot about a blog entry.
Yesterday was my second running group event. It did not got well................for me.
I "chatted" with 2-3 more people, and that went fine, I suppose. The run itself did not.
Saturday it was 12 degrees and I had an amazing run. Yesterday it was 50 and dark and I struggled. Maybe it was after a 12 hour day. 13, if you include the gym time, but I couldn't keep my pace up. At all .
I didn't come in last or anything, but I didn't feel good about it.
I know it one day. One 3 mile run. But in four days, I went from, "this is GREAT" to "what the fuck are you doing???".
I guess we'll see how Saturday goes.
I'm going to bed.
Song by: Depeche Mode
Tuesday, February 07, 2023
2023 Movie Count / Goal: 04 of 15
Monday, February 06, 2023
My Music Monday
Sunday, February 05, 2023
Run Baby Run
It started in a taco bar. There are two groups - east side and west. Every Saturday both run. Tuesdays are regional.
The run was tough. Not physically, exactly. It started out at 12º . That doesn't include the wind.
We had the option of running a 3 mile run or a 5.4 route. Even the seasoned runners were debating the shorter path.
Right or wrong, I chose the longer version.
Right away, at the bar, it was awkward. It was all very cliquish. Everyone seemed to know most everyone else. I was the cheese that stood alone. Literally. Seinfeld was right about the making friends things. Maybe.
The run was kind of freeing. I was on my own.
Once again, an inhaler would have been nice. I gotta remember to bring one on the cold days.
But the run went well. It went through the streets of Cleveland, past the Rock Hall (where "Running Up That Hill" was blasting on the outside PA system). Lot of bridges, rivers, headwinds. Cold cold headwinds. After I got going the cold didn't bother me too much.
My new thing was: no music.
I thought there'd be conversation between runners. Maybe there was - but not with me. And as I was told, running with earbuds is not safe - you know, if there is traffic and such. Which I get. So, I was left alone with my own thoughts.....which is a dangerous, dangerous place to be. Mostly it was, "I can't do this!" x 1,397.
As we got to the last stretch, I caught up with a woman who had been near me the entire run. But she was walking. Taking a break, as it were. I strode up beside her and said, "let's finish this together. Let's be each other's motivation.". She agreed and we ran the last 3-4 blocks.
My time was pretty eff'ing good. Again, I have no concept of pace when not running on a machine. I thought fur sure I would be last (I wasn't). I thought for sure it would take me an hour (it didn't). And I was sure I'd be sore (I am).
Back at the bar, there were bagels, coffee and well.........beer. The last being for purchase. Since it was before noon, even I declined. I had water, as I don't drink coffee.
I did meet a married couple who is in the eastern running group, so in theory, I should be seeing them on Tuesdays.
Let's see how this goes.
.....yes, you got no running picture. It was too cumbersome to pull my phone out and take a picture of the city while I ran. As it turns out, I didn't take notice of most things as I ran. So in a way, I was focused, which I'm taking as a win.
But this was out near my car after the run.
Song by: Sheryl Crow