So, the Muses (or someone like them) have not really presented themselves to me. I fairness to them, I've been distracted enough that they might have been right in front of me and I just missed them completely.
And while it's not great video, I love that Asteroid SAR2667 entered the atmosphere a few days ago and broker up (and maybe hit?) somewhere around the English Channel.
It seems at least three people were up at 03:00 and caught it on video. It looked cool.
If you haven't seen one, it's quite a site. We caught one by surprise (aren't they all?), and we were just at the right place / right time.
Song by: Bad Company
Enjoy your day
Is that what it is going to look like when The Big One hits and wipes out mammals as the dominant vertebrate class on Earth?
Is pot legal in Ohio? If so you could have at least one high this week.
The Muses comment made me smile. Thank you for that.
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