Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Shopping With Morty

Yet another installment in the drudgery that is everyday shopping. The camera-phone makes it a bit more fun - though I get looks whenever I take pics of products. Like I care what people think.

Has it really been since March since I've had a Shopping with Blobby segment?  

At first that seemed insane, until you realize I am almost never in a store and when I am, it's very focused - in and out - no dillying or dallying. 

While I would love to take credit for this beauty - alas, I cannot.  This all goes to Morty. 

Mind you, when I first saw it - albeit a quick look - I thought it was a breakfast cereal. And in reality, that would still work too.  I mean, what 12 7 year old wouldn't want a Pull My Finger Flakes (now with Dingleberrys!). 

But even as a video game, you've got the male contingent  - ages 6-99 - all locked up.  ....and mother's everywhere are rolling their eyes. 


wcs said...

The best part: "Warning, choking hazard." No kidding!

Raybeard said...

As an eye-catcher it succeeds.

James Dwight Williamson said...

My IPad only magnifies so much, choking hazard. Finally saw it . Little boys from 6-99! A lot of the mystery of gas will be dispersed ( there is no good word) if you live with a person older than 85 who eats a lot of fruit. I’m fascinated by sharts. An acquaintance, a drop dead stone cold Fox of a man , dated vernacular I know, once said to me , the essential part of an unfortunate - Shart - is you have to fess up and rectify. Farts not so much. Anyway” Adonis” had a slight stomach ache one evening out with friends, he became unusually quiet. They asked him what was wrong and he said “Dude, I gambled and I lost”! Funny where a conversation about rude noises made by sliding across dental chairs , can lead! I still have an active license in Florida through 2022 !

Morty said...

Hit butt inflates!

James Dwight Williamson said...

😂Thank you, Morty , Most things enlarge if you touch them! Duh!

uptonking said...

Truly a-GhAS-t!

anne marie in philly said...

farts are funny, and always will be! unless you gamble and lose.

Ur-spo said...

oh the horror