Sunday, December 06, 2020

Ad of the Month

It seems I just did an ad, and I probably did, but it's a Saturday night with no other post idea on my mind, so I'll rub this one out to speak. 

It's holiday related.  It's gay related.  It's cracker related. 

The ad is for Ritz, and I don't even like them. But fuck if they didn't make a good commercial. The version I saw was very abbreviated with only the gay aspect. This one is a bit more fleshed out. 

Ritz was smart enough to disable comments in their YouTube feed. While they would have gotten some good feedback, the hate would have been more - which is horribly unfortunate.  

I expect One Million Moms and the likes to start their boycott in 4........3.........2...........


James Dwight Williamson said...

Crackers , I like Ritz, Triscuit, Chicken in a Biskit about any one. I can’t figure out how a cracker nourishes the gay , love and kindness do that and acceptance. I like Ritz because they have so many flavors and I despise saltines. I guess there’s an analogy there or maybe I should have skipped commenting! Lol!

anne marie in philly said...

not a ritz cracker fan either, but the ad IS well done. one miserable mom will probably be advocating a boycott of nabisco next...

uptonking said...

Love me a Ritz. They are so bland, but their sugary goodness makes me smile... I used to eat them with cottage cheese on them... no more. Dairy. Blech. This is a lovely, subtle commercial. Thanks for sharing. Million Dollar Moms. Blech.

Ur-spo said...

Oh that is lovely
Someone's COC (cracker of choice) is Ritz. I will share with him this ad.