Normally it is 12 pictures taken on the 12th of the month. Since I only post once per day, you get my images the following day. All pictures taken with my iPhone. Click images to enlarge, if you choose.
Created by Chad Darnell and picked up from, what I can tell, any number of random bloggers who then link back to him and vice versa. Chad is no longer doing this, nor is successor coordinating the linking of other 12 of 12'ers anymore. Now it's just Erik and myself - that I know of.
I still continue to do this, because of all my consistent post topics, I actually like this one the most.
And it's a dual post day - as it's Monday, so I also have a My Music Monday entry as well.
06:35. Or body-clock: 05:35.
Shep wanted up. 710 offered to take him for his morning walk. I stayed in bed for a while longer.
07:45. Putting on clothes. It's cold out....and in.
07:50. Honey Nut Cheerios b'fast.
Just like almost every single day.
08:30. Watching the clothes go 'round
9:30. Flow time. ....well, in 15 minutes.
11:25. Target. Floss and Jock Itch Spray.......because, I'm a jock!
11:45. Hot chocolate on a cold day. 19 F. Feels like 11.
12:20. Dog Walk.
I got out of the a.m. one, but not the noon one.
13:40. Roasting Chicken.
Actually to protein for my lunch week - to put in salad.
17:45. Salt.
Adding it to my mother's water softener.
18:05. Nana the Treat Lady.
Shep is on his best behaviour with her.
19:20 Sunset.
710 actually took the pic. I was driving. Coming back from my mother's house.
...and now your Baker's Dozen.....
20:20. Salad.
Making my lunch for tomorrow (today).
That's it for March 2017.
Yoga, I'm so jealous. I have officially been cleared to start back and just went to my first session this past week. It's not easy when you can't straighten your arm but I enjoyed it so much. I did what I could and laughed a lot.
I am very pleased to see you separate your whites.
I'm still trying to get past the jock itch spray... ;-)
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