I might really be stretching it with this one - as well, it's not a "site". It is a destination within a site.
Sure, Twitter is a site, but it's not like I'm doing Twitter as Site of the Month. I'm pretty sure they don't need me shilling for them to get them exposure.
Or maybe they do, if I'm any indicator. I'm not sure I've touched my Twitter account for years. I'm not sure I even know my password. However, I get weekly "updates" via email about what people are tweeting about. Some of them are people I "followed".....and some are tweets from people you might follow / like.
I'm not sure how to take it that they thought I'd like this. Or maybe they knew that I'd like to make fun of this. And if that's the case - they were correct.
In my pea-sized brain - though I have huge hands - I immediately went to things the 'tops' would say during sex. And unfortunately, it was always with a (t)Rump voice and a (t)Rump inflection.
"I'm tremendous!" "I have one of the best dicks in the world." "I'm great in bed....I've won many awards". "I'm leading in every pole" (see what I did there?)
I know the Twitter account is plural......but is it?
I'm guessing if there is a top for (t)Rump, he's all by his lonesome.....I mean, except for his parents, who let him live in the basement at their house in Ames, Iowa.
I occasionally look at Twitter, mostly to catch up with what's going on with my favorite guilty pleasure TV show. But I NEVER get emails from them - perish the thought! I don't know why I seem to be luckier than you in this respect. Maybe they've changed their rules and I didn't have to give my email when I signed up, but now one does? Whatever. Thanks for alerting me that Twitter sends out emails.
Is this not the Twitter account for his women supporters?
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