Wednesday, January 01, 2014

(Just Like) Starting Over

A new year and a year?

I can't tell if 2014 is really going to be leaps and bounds different than 2013.

Since I'm now 50, it's just a slow decline into the big dirt nap. So does it all really matter anymore?  {sigh}

I made one goal for 2013, (I don't believe in 'resolutions') of which I did not achieve. It was a yoga goal, and while I tried and did not made it (yet), I have not given up. And I've made other strides in yoga, so I don't feel so bad.

I do need to amp up non-yoga gym time though. I've been better, but need more lifting.

My one goal is really are just to make 710, Sophie and Petey's life better and happier. I don't have a specific road map for this, but I'll figure it out as I go. Food and treats are seemingly involved. As we all know: Food = Love.

For the blog we have a few pieces of info you might (or might not) find interesting - 2013 specific:
  • Number of posts: 365 (duh)
  • Number of unique page views: 169,827
  • Month w most page views: December 2013 w 25,781 (it is also the largest in my blog history)
  • Number of comments: 1,293  (always appreciated)
  • Top post for 2013: Judgement of the Moon and Stars w 384 views. After that the next two top posts were Petey Porn. My top post is still a 2010 post on Camel Toe which now has almost 48,000 (!!!) views. Freaks. 
  • Top Referring Sources (in order that is non-search engine related):  Just a Jeep Guy,      Jim's Stuff,  Third Leg (Large Tony), Brettcajun, and BosGuy. Congrats to all. 
  • Viewing Audience (in order): China, U.S., Germany, Ukraine, France. (I'm guessing search bots of some kind. Who in the fucking Ukraine is really reading blobbysblog?)

I hope that this upcoming year is good for all my readers - and that it is everything you want it to be.

Song by: John Lennon


Dith said...

Moose Knuckle.

Robert said...

Very happy I discovered your blog this year! Wishing you all the best for a happy and successful 2014!!!

Ur-spo said...

I commend you for all your yoga work and your continual striving to do more of it.
May 2014 be good for all of you there !

Birdie said...

I read your blog every morning--forgive me for not commenting more. I like your goal of pleasing your family so much I'm going to steal it. :)

wcs said...

Happy New Year! I'm among the France readers, and I'm not a bot (I think). You know I'm a regular reader because the other morning I looked at my bedside clock and it read 7:10. I thought, hey, that's Blobby's husband...

Mark in DE said...

"Since I'm now 50, it's just a slow decline into the big dirt nap. So does it all really matter anymore?"

This does NOT sound like a person who does yoga as much as you do. Maybe I just didn't read the sarcasm that was built into your comment.

Happy new year to you and your family (710, Petey, Sophie)