Saturday, November 05, 2022


Shep Shep Shep.  It's still weird that it's almost all Shep all the time. But we adapt. 

Shep watching me hand out candy to strangers. 
I stood outside, so he wouldn't park at a ringing doorbell time and again. 
.....and I could drink outside in peace. 

Shep takes on Hector. 
Poor Hector just wanted to play. Shep showed him who was boss. 
Poor Hector. 

Brown on brown. 

This is Captain Lou. 
He's a therapy dog at work. He was sweet. 

Sizing up our dentist's dogs. 
She lives near us and now and again we run into them. 

Song by:  Rufus Wainright


Raybeard said...

All heart-warming as ever - though, as you say, poor POOR Hector.

James Dwight Williamson said...

Captain Lou , is the essence of good manners . Someone should take a lesson.

Travel said...

Such a sweet hounddog,

Old Lurker said...

Well, not all of us adapt very well.

Look! Another adorable dog in an adorable pumpkin costume. Funny how that works.

Ur-spo said...

Good for you Shep !