So I'm doing my 151st 12 of 12.
Normally it is 12 pictures taken on the 12th of the month. Since I only post once per day, you get my images the following day. All pictures taken with my iPhone. Click images to enlarge, if you choose.
Created by Chad Darnell and picked up from, what I can tell, any number of random bloggers who then link back to him and vice versa. Chad is no longer doing this, nor is successor coordinating the linking of other 12 of 12'ers anymore. Erik is back and I think he's picking up 12 of 12 again.
06:33. Still in bed. I know, right? But even at 03:00, I start with Spelling Bee.
I'd say about 91% of the time I get the pangram (or one of them) first word out. I made 'Genius' seven minutes later.
06:59. Boosted.
I got my Covid booster on Friday. Until then, I'd been Moderna brand loyal, but I was having a hard time finding it. I had an opportunity for Pfizer and took it.
My Moderna shots had me achey at best and feverish at worst. Pfizer? Not even achey. Almost like I got a placebo....which was a pangram the other day.
08:39. Gym time.
Today (well, yesterday) it was cardio (Peloton) and shoulders.
11:53. Getting ready for a weekend outing with Shep and 710.
12:59. I picked the park. We'd never been.
There were ducks and herons there. And a lot of low lying water and swamps. But it was nice, if not cold.
13:47. The battery in my key died. Which made it very difficult to get into the car
It turns it out it made if much harder to get the car to start.
Turns out, there are places in some newer cars you can place the key to do an emergency start. Thanks YouTube!
....and yes, I know my storage area needs cleaning. Well.....I know it now.
14:09. Buying new batteries for one key fob.
14:25. Ahhhhh.....Flexeril.
My back is a little jacked up, so why not?
16:03. 'Hood leftovers.
I love how they leave them on the curb thinking the garbage folk are just expected to clean up after their mess.
16:27. Loganberry Books.
My possible all time favourite bookstore.
I need no more books, but.........I was meeting Rebecca and her husband there. It was their 22nd anniversary, and I was in their wedding, so...... And I might have more books.
16:40. the Academy.
Lord. I've been coming here since 7th grade. Do the math on your own time.
We made our way down the street to the Academy for two drinks. Because, what bad could possibly come from two beers and a Flexeril?
Our waiter looked just like Chris Eliot as Roland Schitt. Kind of acted like him too. We loved it.
17:59. Snow.
The first snow of the season. It didn't stick, but......yuck.
Snow - Noooooooo!
I hope you tied your shoelance.
oh what a lovely bookstore!
I try to recycle my pumpkins in the garden
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