Monday, December 03, 2018

My Music Monday

I'm not a fan of today's selection...................yet.

Annie Lennox has a new song from the movie a Private War.  The previews didn't draw me in one little bit.

According to Lennox she had no intention of writing music again (which is a shame), but felt compelled to when producers / director / someone asked her to contribute.

Lennox had met journalist, Marie Colvin, on whom the movie is based and decided to take the closing credit song, Requiem for a Private War.

The song is very interestingly constructed.  There are no vocals until after two minutes in. The main and backing vocals - all Lennox - are strong and interestingly arranged.

If you're looking for anything radio-friendly, keep looking, as this isn't it . If you're looking to like it immediately, I think you'll be disappointed. 

From the 4:50 mark, there was some "Julia'-esque moments (from the Eurythmics 1984 soundtrack), but I think to truly appreciate this song, it might take multiple, multiple listens.

1 comment:

Raybeard said...

I'd not heard of this film nor that Annie L. was giving up on the songwriting, which is indeed a pity. My first reaction on listening to this - haunting. Thanks.