Of course, it's sad. ...but 83. Not bad. Especially since she didn't completely come into her own until the age of 43-44.
It was 1984 and MTV was new-ish and "What's Love Got to Do with It?" was in rotation every sixth song. Somewhere between Bananarama's "Cruel Summer", Madonna's "Lucky Star" and of course, John Waite's "Missing You".
Yes, now you remember the era, right?
But Private Dancer was her phoenix moment. Rising from the ashes of her marriage and musical arrangement with Ike. She somewhat dominated MTV for a while, and seemed to be on more than the Madonnas or Martikas of the world.
Of course, I kid about Martika.
It's been almost two years since an HBO documentary on Turner came out. I have to believe you can stream it, and of course, if out of rotation, they're never going to turn down an opportunistic moment to rerelease something if it suits their wallets. I say, look for it.
Even if you peripherally knew of her, the life she had was a difficult one at best. Of course, in the '80s, things got better for her, musically, monetarily, artistically, etc. And she was deserving.
I think her 21st century moments came in a play that was about her, her solo induction into the Rock Hall o' Fame (she's also in with Ike), and the references to her in Schitt's Creek.
I'll be honest, I know some of her songs, but not a lot, and not by heart. So when Patrick did an acoustic version of "the Best", I didn't know it was her song until the chorus. I knew none of the verses. None. And it wasn't just the acoustic arrangement that threw me. I just didn't know it.
I love that Turner married someone like 20 years younger. I really love that she relinquished her U.S. citizenship and moved to Switzerland. I mean, currently, that is exactly what I'd like to do. ....and she did it before BLOTUS, so she lucked out.
Thee is no great wrap-up here. I'm (read: we're ) of that age when the artists we grew up with are just aging out. ....as are we.
Song by: Tina Turner
Private Dancer the single is my favorite and her legs , and I’m not straight. She was an icon and she had it. So few stars do.
Unfortunately, like a bad skin rash, there will always be Madonna.
Will Jay
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