Sunday, December 04, 2022

Ad of the Month

I cannot say I'm a fan of the Backstreet Boys.  Men, really.  Aren't they all in their late 40s now? 

And one of their lead singer guys is a bit of a QAnon dickknob. Don't ask me the name, as I don't know or care that much. With the 2020 election results, he had some hissy fit and left Twitter for Parler for his "free speech".  I didn't hear the 'right' telling celebrities to shut up about politics when it's in their corner. 

The band has some catchy songs, what few I've heard, including "I Want it That Way". To a point, they a better sense of humour - and probably a need for cash if their act on something like Norwegian Cruise Lines doesn't break their way. 

Years back they turned their "Larger Than Life" song into "Lager for Life" for some beer company. Now they're using an extremely short snippet of "I Want it That Way" for an ad on laundry detergent. 

C'mon - a guy's gotta eat. 

The first part of the ad is ok. The closing of the ad made me laugh. But you'd need to be boy band proficient to get the joke. Women who are now doing laundry for their kids get it, as they were once the ones loving said boy bands. 



Travel said...

I can remember when they were young and beautiful

Ur-spo said...

QAnon dickknob - best term I read this weekend.