Sunday, September 21, 2014

Nothing in My Way

The Muses are not here today. Or yesterday I suppose. But it effects you today. I suppose I can throw out a few nothing items that you might see in the future:

  • iOS8.  I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. Liking some things. Not liking others. The more I get to know it, the more I can fully comment on it. 
  • iPhone6. I haven't said yes to getting one. But I haven't said no either. We walked into Apple yesterday, while there was a line of people outside waiting to pick up their pre-orders. I did like the size of the 6 (not the 6 Plus). I liked how thin it was. Still.....we'll see. We didn't even bother to ask about availability.
  •  We have our neighborhood block party today. There might be a post on that. And possibly (or in conjunction with) a food post, as I need to make something to bring. Or buy something. But I'll probably make it. 
  • That cyst on Petey's paw? While the doc says it doesn't need to come off, we are thinking it does. It might bother him more than we would like to believe and now he's back to obsessively licking it and opening it up. Ick. That's just a recipe for another infection. I get the pricing on the surgery this week. 
That's it. That's all I got. As I've said, all these posts can't be winners. 

Song by: Keane


cb said...

I hope Petey is ok!

Ur-spo said...

I like posts like these: small thoughts and comments from your daily doings.