Yesterday was a long long long travel day. Boise to Denver to St. Louis to home. ....and I haven't been in the St. Louis airport since TWA existed. They haven't renovated anything since that time and I'm not 100% sure they've cleaned either. It is one step above a Greyhound station.
One working men's room in Terminal A. I felt like a girl at any rock concert waiting in line to evacuate.
But between flights, I was looking at FB on my iPhone and saw John's (from I Got Somethin' to Say) video posted of his dog Scooter. I was sitting at gate A14 just laughing and laughing. People around me I am sure thought I was strange - and they wouldn't be wrong, but not because of this.
We all know I'm a sucker for doggies, even though (or especially because?) I don't have one myself. I love Torn's Georgie, but on equal pawing, Scooter is right there.
Poor Scooter was forced a few years back to dress up for Halloween in a skeleton outfit - and now his owners are torturing him again.....but in a slightly different way.
I hope John doesn't mind me lifting the video for my own blog. I don't mean to be stealing the video or his potential thunder if he blogs it. I'm just sharing cuteness and humor.
...and c'mon, isn't he just so frickin' cute? I love his little brown marking.
I like how there is no 'eye' contact and that as upset as Scooter seems, his tail wags.
Song by: Maria McKee
oh dear!
I haven't thought of the term "barking mad' in a while, so it made me smile.
My Sophie has the same sideways pause when she's shaking the heck out of one of her toys. What a hoot!
Scooter is beyond cute :-)
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