Wednesday, June 08, 2022

Just a Dream

I'm dead tired, so I don't have a post - or an idea for a post. This happens sometimes, as you know. They're not all Peabody winners!

I was just looking through YouTube for something and it had a clip of something else on the right-hand column saw what I'm posting today. 

I'm sorry to see Kate McKinnon leave SNL, but she can't stay there forever. It's just a shame, the two things I saw her in outside of SNL were, well.........not great.  In Sisters, she wasn't great. I liked the movie. In Ghostbusters, no one was great.....or even good. NO ONE liked the movie. 

She'll be hard to replace, but they've "survived" before. 

In this clip, I believe Will Farrell appears, as I believe he was host - and not just the cast member who stayed around WAY too long. He's not horrible, which is more than I can say for a lot of skits he is in. 

Still, McKinnon's hesitation on some of the lines is just priceless. 

Song by: Delerium 

1 comment:

Travel said...

Thanks I needed that,