Monday, June 06, 2022

My Music Monday

I figure I'd do my theme for this month as 'song to run by'. 

I'm in to my gym routine - mostly - and in most regards have trained myself not to tap my earpods to advance to the next track should it not to be to my liking. 

I guess I'm trying to reconnect with the music I seemingly as one point liked enough to put on my phone. So I'm either discovering it, rediscovering it, liking it, tolerating it or hating it. 

This entire scenario does not apply to running. I can bike or elliptical to almost any music. For me, I need a solid rhythm section and usually a 2/4 time to run. And yet I'm too lazy to make playlists that I can just select, so I do use the 'next' feature a lot. 

I'll sample a few of the songs this month. 

I'm doing double duty with the first one: "a Question of Time" by Depeche Mode.  

I really wanted to acknowledge the passing of keyboard (and sometimes bassist) Andy Fletcher at only 60. He was a founding / original member of the band and died a week or two ago.  

Remember when 60 was ancient?  Now it's just "young".  

"Time" is a much better song for biking or spin, but it works here too. 

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