.....and this applies really only to my child bearing years female readers. You know - probably none of you. Still, it's not bad information to pass along.
While clearly not in my wheelhouse, or anywhere on my would-be radar, there are any number of apps that will track a woman's cycle - be it for her period or fertile friendly days.
You can assume one uses them when they want to know when Aunt Flo might be stopping by for a visit. Some probably do want the stork to stop by, and are gauging that.
In the past, I've always assumed that whomever can track your phone usage. I just never cared. My thought if they want to see my browser and app history, that's on them on what may or may not shock them. Or bore them. If I shock or bore them to death - either way I win.
However, in light of recent SCOTUS events, well......and the U.S. becoming more and more of a police state and Germany circa 1932-39; it probably pays to take a few steps to slow them down.
Women of child-bearing years, who are tracking their cycle should probably delete any of the period tracking apps - and there are many. Clue. Flo. Eve by Glow. My Flo. Cycles. The list keeps going.
Still, if any state is imposing fines for NOT having a child - yes, Texas, I'm looking at you......and I'm sure many to follow......it's probably best you delete those fucking apps and go back to a paper calendar hanging in your office cube with red X's through certain days of the month.
When SCOTUS and Congress want to control a woman's body and choice, trust me, they seem to be all in, which means you will all be out.
You can call it paranoia, but these motherfuckers are playing hardball.
1 comment:
Red xs on the calendar, that is how my mother ended up with 4 kids, not the most reliable system (oh, and I was number 4.)
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