Friday, May 13, 2022

12 of 12

So I'm doing my 145th 12 of 12.

Normally it is 12 pictures taken on the 12th of the month. Since I only post once per day, you get my images the following day. All pictures taken with my iPhone. Click images to enlarge, if you choose.

Created by Chad Darnell and picked up from, what I can tell, any number of random bloggers who then link back to him and vice versa. Chad is no longer doing this, nor is successor coordinating the linking of other 12 of 12'ers anymore. Erik is back and I think he's picking up 12 of 12 again.

05:08.  Morning gym.  Every morning. 6 days per week. 

07:39.   Long weekend trip. Finally taking two days off of work. First time off in 2022. 

08:03.  Unfortunately, it was a dog-free trip. 
Shep got dropped off at daycare / boarding. 

09:32.  Fangboner. 
Best. Street Name. Ever. 

11:16.  It wants me, lord, I can't go back there. 

13:37.  Hotel room view. 
Overlooking the place where Bob and Emily Hartley lived!

14:14.  Very late lunch. 

14:36.   F. U. 
Given the opportunity, I will always do this. 

17:20.  The El.  Well, before it get el-evated. 

18:12.  Oh yeah?  Oh YEAH???
.......or what??

19:51.  Sunset from my nephew's rooftop deck. 
We took him to dinner and had a really really nice time. 

20:34.  Walk back from the El to the hotel. 

Thus concludes one more 12 of 12. 


Travel said...

Great city, I need to get back there

Anonymous said...

The gym at 5am? Nobody likes a bragger. Just saying. JP

Ur-spo said...

I remember Chicago! It was nice to see it in your photos
I love your sense of humor with these things.