Digits. Numbers. Whatever you want to call them - tis the theme.
Lori Carson isn't the biggest named artist. Just one I have liked for - yikes - 2+ decades. First, when she was a semi-member of the Golden Palominos and then as a solo artist.
Carson has some strong material and strong albums. As she went on, she had great songs....but over all iffy disks. Her last two albums were just not hitting any mark for me.
But somewhere in there she made her album, Stars.
It's one of those middling kind of albums that had a handful of good songs, but a enough iffy ones that it is not a full disk to which one returns.
That said - I'm still a fan of her song "16 Days".
To say it's low-key would be an overstatement. It's nice and all, but it's 4/4 time and the vocal maybe just an iota above sotto voce. But I like the phrasing and the vocal and instrumental arrangements.
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