Friday, February 12, 2016

Upside Down & Inside Out

This working not from home is for the birds.

Actually, I'm liking the job, but it has made it harder lately to craft a daily post. So with that, I am just bringing forth OK Go's new anti-gravity filmed video.

They just out-do themselves..........again.

Not only was it filmed in zero gravity, once again, I believe there are zero edits - like so many of their video clips.  I don't know how they do it.  How does one rehearse a video this to the precision that they get it all so right?

And the song isn't too bad either. It's not going to top any charts, but I find that many OK Go songs are only there for the video and not the other way around - which is not to say I don't like some of their music.


Song by: OK Go


Wonder Man said...

the song is okay

wcs said...

Goodness. I wonder who gets to clean the plane?

Fearsome Beard said...

My favorite is still White Knuckles, but rescue dogs are my weakness.

Bob said...

That's very cool ...

Ur-spo said...

These guys never cease to amaze 'what can they possible do next"