Wednesday, April 01, 2020


I think April Fools came a month early and took up residence.  ...and it has overstayed its welcome.

So, save for my one April Fool's "joke" I played here a few years back, I am not very good at them. I feel people can see them a million miles away. And sometimes, I'm just not that clever.  Sad but true.

Instead, we'll go with 'butt humour'.  I'm coining the phrase for future royalties.

This one has 'me' written all over it. Almost literally.

My friends semi-piled on, but to be fair, I did send it to them so I set myself up. 

But this doozy of a headline popped up too. And while I know a few folks in the Boston area, fell to one person.

It turns out, Mike didn't really take the bait. 

You can take this anyway you'd like, but he's wiser than he looks.

Song by: Matt Berninger

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