Normally it is 12 pictures taken on the 12th of the month. Since I only post once per day, you get my images the following day. All pictures taken with my iPhone. Click images to enlarge, if you choose.
Created by Chad Darnell and picked up from, what I can tell, any number of random bloggers who then link back to him and vice versa. Chad is no longer doing this, nor is successor coordinating the linking of other 12 of 12'ers anymore. Now it's just myself - of which I know.
02:27. First awake time.
I did get back to sleep until 03:23. Then 04:30. But didn't get out of bed until.....
05:07. Getting my socks - and rest of clothes on.
Shep needed / wanted to go out.
06:30. Reading the obits. I do it daily.
08:33. Nap time
Fuzzy blanket. Sofa. Sleep. For exactly one hour.
09:40. Gotta run the dishwasher.
09:50. I didn't earn this. ....and I don't care.
11:00. Finally taking down decorations.
We were just lazy.......and tree pick up was today.
12:15.'s not gonna empty itself. Or so I was told.
12:25. Kitty Kat and kitty kat treats.
Sophie gets them when we take Shep out for his hikes.
13:00. Shep hike!
14:45. ain't gonna fold itself.....or so I've was told.
We'll see if puts itself away.
15:35. Waiting for a movie to start. Review on Tuesday.
There you go........until #118
1 comment:
Boy do you know how to load a dishwasher.
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