Wednesday, November 02, 2016

Vote Baby Vote

The plan was to write a winning the World Series post.....but that's not happening. I know this and it's only the 4th inning as I draft this.

The Series is going to 7.  Fuck My. Life.

So I guess I'll go with a post I was going to do later in the week.

I voted.  ....and via the US Postal Service.

A month or two ago, I posted a pic of what I called 'the second most important piece of mail I'd ever received'.  Someone left a comment - 'what's the first?'.

My 2016 ballot is #1.

Now, I waffled on mailing it in. I could have gone to Early Voting, or dropped it off in person. There are factions out there saying that the mail service is throwing away ballots for (t)Rump.


Ballots are double enveloped and have no demarcation for any candidate. But you know, you yell "FIRE" and then the people are off....and there's no stopping them.

I also felt better that while not certified / registered mail, they do send email notification when the Board of Elections receives your ballot. And they did.

Congratulations President-Elect Johnson!

Nahhh. I kid.

This a copy of my ballot before I actually completed it. I did it for a joke that I'm sure I'll use somewhere in the next few days to torture certain folks who will have a hemorrhage before I get to say "kidding!"

Seriously though - vote!

Song by: Deee-Lite


Travel said...

Virginia makes early voting a real pain, I will go stand in line on Tuesday.

Fearsome Beard said...

One more game and six more days. This too shall pass.