Sunday, November 27, 2016

Ad of the Month

I'm trying to be a bit more consistent with my Ad of the Month segments. I think today makes the 4th this year.

On a grading scale, that sucks.

This month's ad is a male poo one.  And it has Mark Cuban - so it hits all the marks, no?

Let's face it - there are tons return on investment went it comes to scatological humour. My possible favourite part is the birdhouse hole which they subtly equate to a butthole. I mean, I'm assuming.

Well, that and the constant "take it to the hole" line.

That said - I'm not sure one of those wipes is up to the job and a replacement.


Travel said...


Anonymous said...



Fearsome Beard said...

I just texted that link to one of my best buds. He's going to thank you.
Here I'll thank you for him!