Monday, March 17, 2014

My Music Monday

I considered a song with 'green' in it.  Then scrapped that idea.

Then I thought I'd see what I had with 'Irish' in it - and there was only one.

For a few minutes I waffled about whether I'd use it, since I don't give one flying fuck about St. Patrick's Day.

That song, Morrissey's "Irish Blood, English Heart" from his disk You are the Quarry (2004).

It's a great song. It's a great disk. I've never truly grown tired of Morrissey or the Smiths.

Like many of his songs, Morrissey is railing against something or someone. This time it's reconciling his Irish heritage with his English upbringing - calling out the Tories, Labour and even Oliver Cromwell.

A decade old and I still love it (and looking forward to his new disk later this year!).

But this is the closest you'll get to me about a song of Ireland, snakes. It ain't easy being green.

And is it just me, or is Morrissey looking like a slightly older version of Joaquin Phoenix?

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