Thursday, March 13, 2014

12 of 12

So I'm doing my 49th 12 of 12

Normally it is 12 pictures taken on the 12
th of the month. Since I only post once per day, you get my images the following day. All pictures taken with my iPhone. Click images to enlarge, if you choose.

Created by Chad Darnell and picked up from, what I can tell, a number of random bloggers who then link back to him and vice versa. Chad is no longer doing this, nor is successor coordinating the linking of other 12 of 12'ers anymore. Now it's just ErikJim and myself - that I know of. 

I still continue to do this, because of all my consistent post topics, I actually like this one the most.

01:40. I was up. Used the facilities. It had already started raining for the 'big storm'.  Allegedly 6-10", plus a glaze of ice.

This is a pic across the ravine (yes, the one Petey crossed) and a parking structure for a non-main campus Cleveland Clinic facility. 

06:50.  One diet green tea for 710 to take to work. 
I place them on the hood of his car, or he'd never take one - and then just buy it at his work cafeteria. 

08:30.  710 left out Petey's cup of fud and his Zyrtec.  
Well Wal-tec, because we buy the generic Walgreens brand. 

09:30.  Rain had turned to snow only minutes before our walk. Everything was covered in minutes. 

Our walk consisted of 20 ft. I forced Petey to do that much. He would have turned around when I opened the door had he had his way. To be fair,  the snow actually hurt as it was partially ice. 

12:05.  the obligatory 12 of 12 selfie.  
Picking up a few provisions at lunch time in case the storm actually does get worse. 

12:15.  the lower Shaker Lake.  I stopped by for a shot on the way back from the store. 

12:45.  Tuna salad sammich.  
For a kick, I put some Frank's Red Hot in with the tuna and Miracle Whip. 

15:50.  Heard a big crash. Then two. With the third crash in less than 60 seconds, I went to the window to see the third car just leave the scene. 

I went out in the snow to take a pic and ended up taking two - one with three cars and then four seconds later a new fourth car (not including the one that took off).  Within a few more minutes we were up to eight cars in the pile, including a cop car that came to assist. 

Oh - and I love how all the folks got out and stood BEHIND their cars, and had to scramble when another car got hit and sent vehicles flying.  Morons. 

Oh BTW - the storm did hit. Full swing. But I'm guessing you know that by now. 

16:10.  Afternoon snack.  I'd have had more, but these were the last three.  Drats. 

17:00.  One is alert and one is snoozing. 

18:30.  PLEASE let this be the last time this season I have to fire this up. We ended up with about 4-5" of snow when I cleared the drive. On track to get another 1-2" before this publishes. 

20:00.  Orange Roughy and salad for dinner. 

21:20. Your baker's dozen. 

 the electric blanket turned on.  But hey, it's 11F, feels like -3. 


anne marie in philly said...

ai yi yi! hope no one was seriously hurt in the accident.

good pix of the furkids, the butch you, the cozy bed, and the chocolate (om nom nom nom).

Ur-spo said...

sleep well and keep warm.