Oh the irony.
Yesterday I was going on about not taking a day off and that I have stuff to write about.
Today - well.......not so much.
I had nothing planned. No stand-by posts. No nothing. I could chat about the weather, but who really cares? It was nice and now it is supposed to be bad. There.
But then Mr. Mandela died yesterday. So, I guess I could write about that, but I don't have anything specific to say. I never delved into the specifics of Apartheid and Mandela's role. I remember boycotting Shell Oil because their business interests supported Apartheid. I think I finally used them after the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
I don't meant to be rude, but I was amused all summer long when, the then 94 year old, Mandela was in intensive care and reports said he was "recovering", but the news items made it sound as if his recovery would be taking him to some state of normalcy.
He was 94!!!! (at the time)
I get people wanting or needing him to survive, but nonagenarians are not spry beings who are easily ambulatory after weeks or months in intensive care or that fully "recover". But the 24 hour news cycle is one mean mistress, so they'll milk a story of possible recovery of a much beloved man into the dirt.
Oh, I guess besides Shell, I was aware of Apartheid via Little Steven (from the E. Street Band) and his Artists United Against Apartheid boycotting playing Sun City in hopes of bringing recognition to the problem of racism in South Africa.
So - why not show it. It seems the most like me to do, instead of write about.
Song by: Neil Diamond
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