Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanks a Lot

I won't go on about my usual malaise for this holiday. You can read that in previous T-giving day posts.

I'm just posting for:

A. getting in a post to continue my streak.

B. the picture.  I mean - c'mon!

Don't get me wrong, I'm thankful for many things, but the uneasiness of going around a table to say them seems odd to me.

Clearly I am thankful for my husband and our family. And my friends. And my general health - though this year it has been a little trying.

I don't need much more than that in life.

Enjoy your day - your food, your parade, your football.

Oh - and Happy Hanukkah. You won't see the merging of these two holidays for the next 79,000 years - or 2070, depending on who you believe. Either way, I'll be dead.

Song by:  Raul Malo


Ur-spo said...

happy two holidays
I am thankful for you as a blogger buddy.

anne marie in philly said...

thanks for sharing your life (and furkids) with the blogging community!

Anonymous said...

There are two other possibilities why we may not see these holidays merge - the end of the US government (Thanks Republicans) or the end of religion.

Happy 4 day weekend.

Unknown said...

Even a week later, the picture makes my day.