Friday, August 10, 2012

Magnet and Steel

I'd like to say this is a good video post, and it's not horrendous, but it's a one-take kind of thing and it was done on the fly with no forethought.

...and apparently it looks like I've had some kind of stroke. What the fuck is wrong with my right eye?

The thought of this post kind of came from a post of Dr. Spo's piece on refrigerator magnets. I decided I wanted all to see my Princess Leia homemade magnet.

It doesn't video so well, but neither do I - but you'll get the idea.

  Song by: Walter Egan


Birdie said...

I FINALLY got to see this video. (It won't show up on my iPhone.)

Yeah, I've got that thing going on with my right eye too. What's up with that? FWIW, it doesn't show up in real life.

My refrigerator is buried in magnets. I really should do something about that. Some day.

Anonymous said...

A Princess Leah magnet. I head you had to mule that around for a decade in our nether land before you could out it on the fridge the way R2D2 had to keep the original recording behind his metal prostate.

Erik Rubright said...

Maybe the shininess of your fridge was so great that it was making your eye do that?

Or maybe you were channeling Dick Clark?