Yes, it's that time for Blobby's wrap-up in the music that Blobby likes and inflicts upon you, hoping something resonates with you as well. Or at least that I've opened up new avenues or musical thinking.
Of course I know part of that was a big load of bullshit, but go with me on this. Pretend.
I never have a top 5 or 10. Some years it's more than that. Many years, I can't find 5, let alone 10. And let's be honest, some of it isn't always from the last 12 months.
So..........let's where we land.
The musicianship was wonderful, the storytelling - with sometimes downer material - was so well done. They get the top spot in albums. .....actually, and song.
A few disks get honourable mention:
Depeche Mode and the National new disks had some good moments, but I rarely came back to them, so I couldn't add them here.
There are no rules to this per se. Usually the top selection is the year's favourite, but anything after that is just a 'like' hitting the list. No order really. I gotta say, female artists are barely represented here. My music selections, such as my life, has been taken over by running. The songs I have gravitated to this year help keep me on pace for training or racing.
It's not that I don't have women in that mix, but nothing in the top top slots for 2023 so far.
I honestly considered posting two Jason Isbell songs in my top picks, but thought I should just settle on one, and it was an easy choice. It was always my first choice.
"When We Were Close" was a song I played a lot. It's got a good rhythm, but the song is about his former friend and musician Justin Townes Earle (Steve Earle's son) who OD'd. It is a good song to play while running.
I was also sure I made a My Music Monday selection with Milky Chances's "Colorado" last Spring, but I can't find any actual entry. It ranks up there was one of my faves for 2023.
I like Death Cab for Cutie enough - I mean, not enough to buy an album, but I rarely turn them off when they hit the radio. They had a new disk out and I was all ready to add their first single from it as a choice for this year. They had two other songs hit too, and it was the third that really started sticking with me.
For them, it's a little different. It's much more methodical sounding and less melodic. So, you get "Arrow in the Wall".
This one, "Haunted" isn't from 2023, but goes back to 1995. Later actually. This is a duet from two Irish artists who both died this year. Shane MacGowan and Sinéad O'Connor .
Orginally the song was written for the Sid & Nancy soundtrack back in 1986 and recorded by the Pogues,. MacGowan and O'Connor rerecorded it in '95. Since her death, I've been playing the song almost daily. Harder to run to though. And you can thank the director of the video of placing a microphone in front of MacGowan where his teeth should be. .....though there are glimpses. "Haunted" is still a great song.
There are others too, but I've featured them this year, but no reason not to call them out. I'm just hyperlinking to their original My Music Monday posts:
the Record Company - Talk to Me
Jason Isbell - Death Wish (which oddly enough wasn't even the second selection of his I was going to pick)
I don't know what 2024 has in store music wise. I guess we will wait and see.
What recommendations do you all have from this last year?
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