Thursday, September 23, 2021

It Only Takes One Shot

2021-2022 flu shot is in the books. On the books?  .....whichever. 

I got my flu shot, is what I'm trynasay - as the kids say. Or so I'm told.    Youths!

Isn't the saddest looking sign / table you've ever seen? 

Someone doesn't know how to center a sign, clearly. And maybe ran out of tape. 

This all begged me to ask the question - are these the people I want ticking a needle in my arm? 

The whole set up for employee flu shots the last few years - at a hospital (!!!)  - has been, well.......unsatisfying. 

These are held in a lobby that essentially connects three buildings.  Out. In. The. Open. 

This is well and fine for most women, as they tend not to wear long sleeves and can more easily expose and arm. As it is almost never tube-top or halter season for us dudes, I have to unbutton my shirt, take it of and then put it back the lobby what connects three buildings and always has lots of traffic. 

Yeah, they have a 'privacy screen', but still.............

Like my Covid booster, it took longer to change than it took to get jabbed. 

"Jabbed" is the wrong word. I felt nothing - and haven't for years! - and 12 hours later, the site isn't even sore. I suppose after three Covid shots, anything will feel better. 

But inoculated within an inch of my life. Still wearing masks. Still washing my hands obsessively. I don't expect to get the flu, or a cold this upcoming season - just like last one. 

Yay me!

Song by: Lera Lynn


Travel said...

On my list of things to do soon. I usually wear an easy short sleeved shirt that day. When we have people in the office, we usually use a conference room, or a couple of empty offices, when we had unassigned offices. Today almost all of the offices are empty, but charged in someone's budget.

Anonymous said...

Last year my healthcare provider had a drive through clinic for the seasonal flu shot. Since I am left handed, I like to get shots in my right arm. Since I was driving, this required some car seat gymnastics. In the old days you at least used to get dinner and a movie before carseat gymnastics. This year they are back to a walk in clinic.

Ur-spo said...

good for you
I get mine in a few weeks after the shingles shot.