Saturday, September 25, 2021

the Guests

I feel like I say "the work week was bad" or some iteration of that on my Saturday posts. I feel they are getting exponentially busier.  I get home later than 710. He's doing the doggie daycare pick up and drop off.  But he is nice enough to wait for me to get home, so the three of us can do our walk together. 

Fun fact:  not one of this week's pics were taken by me. 

Dad #1 picks up Dog #1.

Sophie is all about hanging with my sister-in-law. 
They took a semi-selfie. 

Bailey's autumn glamour shot. 

My cousin also uses the same doggie daycare. I am loving the activity here 

Song by: Leonard Cohen


James Dwight Williamson said...

Pics #1 and 2 Shep and Sophie , the stars of the show!

Travel said...

The kids always need you when you return home,

Bob said...

I love the faces on Sophie and Shep.

Ur-spo said...

lovely photos, all !