It was a tough tough tough work week.
Spo says he does not envy my job, as he knows what it's like to deal with hospital administrators. Most of us do a bang-up job, but we are an unlikeable bunch because of it. As I say - they pay me a bunch, but not enough to be liked.
Dogs and cats are my or not.
Extra. Again.
Aerial shot
Below shot.
She loves to interrupt one's computer work.
Graduated to co-star.
Sophie loves to hang in the kitchen while we do dinner prep.
Lick #1.
Bailey thanking me for picking her up from the kennel.
Lick #2.
Shep thanking me for picking him up from daycare.
Song by: Fred Schneider
You look like an easy pick up. For any four legged creature. I hope the pick up is long lasting.
Animal presences are a tonic - though as you mention 'interference' from someone when you're computing, I always find that when I'm on the phone [these days it's exclusively to my 83-year-old sister] my pussies cannot stand it for long and are always around rubbing me as if they're jealous and wanting my attention instead. At all other times I'm someone to be ignored, except when they're wanting food.
At least the cat and dogs always like you,
They lift us up and we love them right back.
Miss Sophie clearly will not be ignored.
I have a cartoon hanging in my office. It is the cliche man lying on the analytical couch but the shrink is a dog.
The punchline: "Look, my treatment is simple. I lick your face until you cheer up"
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