Normally it is 12 pictures taken on the 12th of the month. Since I only post once per day, you get my images the following day. All pictures taken with my iPhone. Click images to enlarge, if you choose.
Created by Chad Darnell and picked up from, what I can tell, any number of random bloggers who then link back to him and vice versa. Chad is no longer doing this, nor is successor coordinating the linking of other 12 of 12'ers anymore. Now it's just myself - that I know it's the only blog post he's still doing......for now.
05:01. Post Dog walk "paper" reading.
05:37. Breakfast. Honey Nut breakfast.
06:25. Rainy ride to work
07:32. Telecom.
I was presenting at an IT meeting. This was all of us . and about 20 on the phone. The other end.
08:15. My would-be new office. Finally!!!
This guy's moving out. I get the keys today.
08:50. Measure twice. Bury once.
I still need to get a headstone for my parents. And while I have time, I need to get on it. I also want it to match the ones from my great-grandparents. So, as I traveled from one office to the other, I stopped and took measurements to see what I can order.
10:40. Second Office.
On main campus, I no longer have and office. The chairman of my old department today gave this to me for the time being, but I'll have to give it up if they should ever need it. It was a great gesture.
12:10. Puppy Parade.
Pet Pals is a volunteer organization whose dogs (maybe cats?) come in and visit with patients. They had a parade and costume show at lunch. Of course, I went to see.
16:45. Slow Leak.
Every 2-3 weeks I need air in this tire. I just need to bite the bullet and get it fixed.
16:55. Happy Dog Walk.
He loves when I come home and rescue him.
18:55. What could it be???
It was rice with garlic and Parmesan. 710 was outside grilling the main course.
19:30. Pee Time.
I've been pushing 120 oz of water per day. And there are consequences to that.
That's it. For now.
happy dog walk is the best. and thanks for not sharing a pix of you on the porcelain throne.
I enjoy these
I have never had a tele-meeting like the one you your photo.
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