Tuesday, May 08, 2018

the Rifle's Spiral

This would be a little funny if it weren't so sad.............and predictable.

Oliver North as president of the NRA. 

It's probably a dream job for him.

The man watched over an illegal gun-running operation, selling them to Iran (yes, shortly thereafter the 444 day hostage situation) and then used that money to fund terrorists in Nicaragua.

On paper, he's the perfect guy to be presiding over school shootings and making sure that each shooter that the easily, if not illegally, assault rifle that works best for them.

The upside is the man is almost 75 years old. 


Song by: the Shins


anne marie in philly said...

I thought that convicted felon was already dead. damn.

Travel said...

He destroyed so much evidence, he broke the shredder.