So while taking in the newest portion of the High Line, we were just standing watching the development of Hudson Yards.
Building upon building is being erected. hehehe......erected.
I'm for a degree. I'm not for over development.
To the right of this picture, is a unique structure in the process of being built. It was enough not only to look at, we walked over to see it.
The shape, of course, was unique, but at the corners of the base looked to be casters. 710 engaged in conversation with another lookie-loo on what this might be. We already knew the sculpture that was in process of being completed.
710, being 710, did some investigation once he got to a computer. And it seems very very cool.
.....and yes, it is on casters..........kind of.
If the video is correct and part of the development is to physically cover the train yard, that would be a shame. Erasing the history, the only remnants being the rails in the High Line itself, seems annoying.
How the High Line itself came to be was abandoned rail. I fear there will be no connection to that and the train yard once all is done. ....and I like seeing the trains.
But no one asked me.
Song by: Vampire Weekend
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