Friday, September 25, 2015

Mercy Seat

Same-sex marriage nonchalantly comes to the funnies with a Speed Bump comic yesterday. 

But it came to the Cleveland Plain Dealer

Remind me to look for the foot-stomping Letters to the Editor insisting that the comic be dropped over this one. Srsly. 

Song by: Johnny Cash


anne marie in philly said...


every sunday, our paper (the inky) publishes a wedding story about a local couple. you should hear the screaming when a same-sex couple is featured; ya might think the pix accompanying the story shows the orgy scene from caligula or something! "but the children will read/see this" is the constant scream. so fucking what if they do?

Bob said...

Love that!

And I'm hoping, possibly against hope, that no one goes apeshit over it.

Ur-spo said...

i thought it funny but spot-on.