Petey greeting me after his parole from Pet Lodge U.S.A.
It's really all about those eyes in this pic.
Driving Miss Ellie.
Petey used my mother as a prop to look out the window on way home from the kennel.
Watching. Always watching.......
A scene you've all seen before.
Petey goes into play mode when he sees Kegger.
He loves dogs bigger than he is, and a Rhodesian Ridgeback {puppy, still}, is one of his faves.
Petey has never learned to read.
Song by: bt
the last pix should read "the end".
The hydrant picture is hilarious.
When we lived in Miami our little Pocket Dog Ozzo's two best friends were a Saint Bernard and a Great Dane.
Ozzo thought he fit nicely with them!
Not in service ? not to a male pooch!
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