Saturday, May 16, 2015

Honky Cat

We here at Blobby's Blog have been a little Sophie-lite as of late. This oversight cannot continue, so we've taken great pains to try to include her - as she is not one for posing in the slightest.

Soph is more likely to be in a Photography Safari:  elusive, quick and sometimes just never seen.

But we have guest stars this week as well.   Enjoy.

My niece's cat, Pippa checking out Petey. 

She's only seen him once before. She wasn't unfriendly. Definitely curious. Petey could not have cared less about her. 

Sophie waiting for me at the front door to come home. 

Breaks my heart. 

A few minutes later, she decided to conk out on me. 

Totally good with this. 

My brother-in-law picking up Wally. 

Before you get all up-in-arms about it. Wally comes by for this twice a day. He insists upon it. 

Boomer & Petey - together again.  

 The kids relaxing after a long day of being treated like royalty. 

Petey - Man About Town. 

Song by:  Elton John


Ur-spo said...

Wally reminds me of a Mark Twain aphorism "Any man who picks up a cat by the tail is going to learn something most useful"

anne marie in philly said...

"get back honky cat whoo!"

the trust our furkids place in us is priceless.

Bob said...

That's a lovely menagerie this week, and I imagine, though she'd never admit, that Sophie was happy to be a star!

Fearsome Beard said...

Ain't kids wunderful!

Mark in DE said...

Petey is looking more trim than usual, or is it just these photos?