I am cautiously optimistic. We have five weeks to see one more movie to meet that never reached goal. Yes, we saw our 11th movie last night.
I think the bigger issue in December is which movie to see. As we creep closer to year end, and beginning of movie award season, some of the heavy hitters will be coming out. But we need to reserve some of those for the 2012 season.
Anyhoo - yesterday we opted to see Martin Scorsese's new film, the highly acclaimed Hugo.
While you can see it in 2-D, do not bother. This is totally a 3-D film and completely worth the searching out of the theater and the extra $$$ it takes to see a 3-D film. This is not a retro-fitted 3-D film, it was made for this medium and it totally works.
Our concern was - a late afternoon PG rated movie, we assumed it would be PACKED. Out of the 500 seat theater (yes, that large), maybe 70 people where there. Maybe. But you know, I have read great stuff about the movie, but I don't know I've seen a commercial for the flick. Maybe no one knows it is out.
Visually, the movie is stunning. The acting is good - many of the adults having appeared (not starred) in some of the Harry Potter films, plus Ben Kingsley, who does a subtle but wonderful job. The kid who plays Hugo is good and for his three minutes on film, Jude Law doesn't suck (which to me, is saying something). But I thought Chloë Grace Moretz was a real highlight. Look out for uncredited appearances of Scorsese and Johnny Depp.
It is really the story that is key - along with a healthy dose of early film history (which one segment goes on a little to long, in my opinion). At first I thought that went on a little long, but without spoilers, you see why that happens.
I would never say I'm a huge Scorsese fan. I never was thrilled with many aspects of Raging Bull or Goodfellas. Apparently, I don't see that artistic vision like some do. I always liked him more for stuff in direction of the King of Comedy or After Hours.
It seems he wanted to make a movie his pre-teen daughter (isn't he like, 65?) can see. I guess he made it.
As low key movies go, and clearly a critical darling, but one you won't encounter too many crowds, I recommend Hugo. It is in the top 2-3 movies we've seen this year.
...even if we do have one more to go.
Song by: Garbage
I rarely get to the movies, but this one does look interesting. Is it appropriate for young boys? I'm thinking this may be a good film for my nephews (age 5 and 7).
I should have seen this one, instead of the "Immortals" which was the wrong mixture of 300, Clash of the Titans, and Lord of the Ring.
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