Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Air Between Us

A month ago (ok, one month and one day ago), I alluded to doing a little video project.  Both Birdie and Erik said they'd make sure to remind me about it - and let the record show, neither of them did.   Slackers.  Not keeping on their toes.

The project itself was a lame idea to begin with but with some clever editing from iMovie, I made it slightly less lame. Read between the lines folks - it is still lame.

I think the important thing to remember is that I committed to the project and I finished it.  There has to be something in that, right?  Right???

So sit back and enjoy your in-flight movie:  AirBlobby

Song by:  Hammock


Anonymous said...

I think I got jet lag just from watching this.

Will J said...

Nice, but don't give up your day job for a film career just yet.

Erik Rubright said...

Oh yeah, I totally dropped the ball on reminding you. See what happens when my reminders don't get updated properly in the cloud? ;-)

Erik Rubright said...

Oh... and do I get Airline Miles for watching the whole thing?

And do you ever fly to Arkansas? Not that anyone in their right mind should. But that's why I asked.

anne marie in philly said...

who WAS that handsome man in a suit?

Ur-spo said...

I was very glad to see and hear your voice again.

Birdie said...

Ah, the glamour of business travel!

Uh, yeah, sorry about that reminder. Would this be a good time to remind you about those gifts you planned to send to your faithful readers?

tornwordo said...

Ugh. I hate flying (except air canada usually) and that kinda gave me the heeby jeebies. Can't you conduct business via skype or some similar technology nowadays? Looks like a whole lotta schlepping. Oy.

rebecca said...

Omg yay! Loved it!! I love thinking about the people seeing you record yourself on your phone, and love the drunk girl off-camera in Houtex! Coulda been me! Great transitions...

Victor said...

That was great. I love it.

Cubby said...

Nice. You probably get more air miles in a month than I get in a decade. No, not probably. Definitely. At least you weather it well.