So I'm doing my 140th 12 of 12.
Normally it is 12 pictures taken on the 12th of the month. Since I only post once per day, you get my images the following day. All pictures taken with my iPhone. Click images to enlarge, if you choose.
Created by Chad Darnell and picked up from, what I can tell, any number of random bloggers who then link back to him and vice versa. Chad is no longer doing this, nor is successor coordinating the linking of other 12 of 12'ers anymore. Erik is back and I think he's picking up 12 of 12 again.
03:47. Not my first wake-up....but my longest.
I had a twinge in my back that would not end up going my way the rest of the day.
07:30. Pangram.
Still in bed, but usually try to get the pangram on the first word. I'd be 'Genius' in less than 8 minutes.
07:52. Commenting.
Leaving my answers for David at Adventures of a Travel Penguin.
08:54. Cereal.
Slowly and carefully got my sore back off the sofa and made my way to get breakfast.
10:39. Penny.
Greeted by Penny on our a.m. walk. I hate that Shep ignores her. She so wants his attention.
11:07. Nurse Sophie.
She's tending to me. She didn't feel well rest of the day, so we had to tend to her.
11:49. Back to bed. Tried to take a nap. Was semi-successful.
13:55. Waiting for car ride.
He knows my car is on that side of the garage. He knows we are almost two hours late for an outing....and he's been hanging there for at least an hour.
He won.
14:41. Bad back or not, we went on a hike.
It was a slow hike, but still about 2 miles.
15:13. Petrol.
I had less than 20 miles till empty.
17:50. Zoom Happy Hour.
The only thing good to come out of Covid. Weekly happy hour with long-time friends. Every Sunday since April 2020. 2 drinks or 1 hour, whichever comes first - more or less.
19:10. Dinner.
Pork chops in the air fryer.
That is it for 12 of 12 in 2021.
Very cute photo of you and Sophie.
So many lonely dogs so little time, hope the back is back by today .
A great day, thanks for the mention
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