There was no dogs and cats last week - not really. 12 of 12 was last Saturday and sure you got quick glimpses, but not the full on shots.
Day at the park.
Every weekend has two days at a park. He's a well-traveled pooch.
Less traveled, but more comfortable - Sophie in the center of the bed....and our universe.
Waiting for me to return to the car.
We are very much a pack.
This is Rocky - one of our new next door dogs.
Poor Rocky - so cute, but a bit high strung. This goes on each time we walk out / in the drive. I feel like we are the ones disturbing our new neighbors.
I love when Sophie wants to control me holds hands with me.
I was edited out of the pic, but we are all three on the sofa - two asleep.
Sophie has another set of stairs - and a throne - at his location.
Song by: Bill Conti
I can’t imagine anyone is uncomfortable on that couch!
Nice to see Sophie back and looking fabulous.
Thanks we needed that
I love seeing Queen Sophie.
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