I have nothing good to put into blog form.
I am kind of grumpy with the White House, and Pence not contracting Corona and dying. I boy can wish, you know. BTW, do you notice how in WEEKS (longer?) that we haven't truly seen what shell of a woman Ivanka and barely a sign of her child of the corn husband of hers?
I certainly hope they're not home, masked and self-isolating to protect their children! I mean, shouldn't they fall in line with every other dolt in the White House? If not, are they actually proving that they don't follow the BLOTUS method of infection control?
It's all very depressing. Like why is the Supreme Court even addressing, let alone an emergency ruling on, some wench opening her salon?
That all aside, I know yesterday was My Music Monday, but you get a second music post this week.
Hands down, this song - the original / remix - is the top song from 2020 !!!!
I can fathom no future release ever moving it out of this position. This year, or possibly ever.
I love that one of her parents (probably) filmed her probably 13 seconds of song, looped it, put a rhythm section and backing vocals on this.
You can thank Morty for this find. I have.
BTW, there are already covers of the song - ukulele, punk, ballad, country.....you name it. This kid is a STAR!
Trust me: you have 1:17 to listen to this song. If not, MAKE 1:17 to listen to this song.
Song by: Jolee Dunn
I wondered where you were going with your post title. what's in mine is none of your business. :)
like you, I want every muthafucka in the whites-only house infected with COVID-19. except for the staff (maids, cooks, cleaners) who have to serve the idiots.
Two to three weeks incubation time, there is still time to dream. Irony would be if pence brought it back from his unmasked visit to Mayo.
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